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About digitalkreation

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    Photography, Mountain Biking, Fishing, Camping..

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  1. Anyone know if Nogie's launch is avail to use? Don't want to make the drive if it's barricaded..
  2. Love those colors. Congrats!
  3. Thanks everyone for the replies, I got a lot more than I thought I would, just like my last take at panfishing.. Question, what can I expect (other than Pike) to fish in a small boat close to shore on Lake ONT?
  4. Hi all, I'd like to try my hand at fishing the bays in and around Toronto on Lake ON. Does anyone know of any free launches near some good spots? I've only got a 14' Springbok, so I'll only want to venture out on the lake in calm waters and stick close to shore.. Thanks for any and all replies! Mark
  5. Hi all, I want to give my motor (1986 9.9HP Johnson) a nice checkup and have just received my TinyTach in the mail. I want to also check compression, but am not wanting to waste time in getting the wrong one. Can I find a decent one at Princess Auto or Crappy Tire? I know that outboards sometimes have a weird size plug (different from cars), so if anyone has one for a small Johnson, could you steer me to a place to pick one up? Many thanks, Mark
  6. Yep, rope is there, flashlight is loaded with batteries, all is good on that end. The boat has no nav lights, I plan on putting some in, within the next few weeks, as I want to do some night fishing.
  7. Hi all, So, tomorrow I pick up my new (to me) boat and set it into the water. I've rented a small slip at a launch on our lake (our cottage is on an Island). The boat is an 80's 14' Springbok with a 9.9HP Johnson. Help me out here, what do I need on board in order to stay legal and safe? I've got a small safety kit which I got for free with a mag subscription which includes a bailer, whistle, flashlight and rope. In addition to that, I've got 2 life jackets on board (I know about having 1 per person). What else do I need (I'll deal with nice to have's later on)? Also, I'm new to this, will I have to provide my own lines for tying to the slip? I'm pretty sure my small boat has no cleats, so I guess I'm just tying to those braces between the gunwales and the seats? As for motor oil, can someone recommend a particular brand? I'll likely pick up a few bottles of it and keep it in the truck. Any other advice to a new boat owner is muchly appreciated!! Best, Mark
  8. Hi all, Just a question from a noob, since I see so many posts about people releasing large Pike & Muskie.. Does anyone keep em? Are they good eating?
  9. I don't mean to hijack the thread, but could someone please explain how to use a twister tail and a spoon together? I know all about twister tails and spoons on their own, just looking for into on using them together.. Google produced no results on this.
  10. Hey Bill, I'll be up on Goucester this Summer in my first boat, what's good in there and when? Best, Mark
  11. All replies that mention heat are 100% on the money. Your transmission will heat up rapidly when in OD and you'll end up cooking the bearings in your Torque converter. Generally speaking, it's about $800 to replace the TC on most vehicles. You won't know anything is wrong until it's too late. Suck it up, pay the extra $ in gas while towing..
  12. Thanks so much everyone! This is perfect, just the information I was hoping for..
  13. Thanks guys. So, just a basic heavy line and some wire leader? I've seen some fancy rigs set up using slips, floats and weights, kind of blew my mind on the complexity. Nice to know they feed on a lot of different presentations, I have some spoons, but I'll check out some top swimmers and the like. What about using live bait? What's good?
  14. Hi all, I'm looking to try my hand at Pike fishing this year. I have a Shimano Curado reel paired with a 6' med/hvy Berkley Lightning Rod. Now, I know I'll need to spool the reel up with 15 or 20lb test, but that's where my knowledge ends. What type of line is best suited for the main line, mono? Clear or coloured? Do Pike take their baits from the surface, close to the surface, or from the bottom? Can anyone illustrate a simple (but typical) lure setup? I'd also like to see a simple baitfish setup, along with a good recommendation for bait to use. I know this is a complex set of answers I seek, and I wouldn't be asking if the stuff I've already seen wasn't wildly complex.. Best, Mark
  15. I emplore anyone who thinks that more Guns in Canada would benefit anyone, to watch "Bowling for Columbine". Here, people smarter than most look at the facts and compare (quite often) the relationships between gun legislation and crime, between the USA and Canada. Guess what? There is no comparison, we are much safer with our current legislation. Down there, you need only a few days wait to go out and get a handgun, let alone automatic weapons and do whatever you like with them. Now I don't know about anyone here, but I personally sleep well at night knowing that the loser that robbed that one place in Chatham, did it with a FAKE gun. Sure, he may think twice if he knows the clerk may also have one, but I bet the CLERK sleeps better at night knowing that it's pretty tough for the roaming public to get their hands one one with the state our laws are in right now. My 2 cents..
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