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  1. sorry for the latness but here they are
  2. I have fished big creek alot. Right now its loaded with chrome. Its only open from lyndock down to the lake . After the opener start right at the dam in delhi.I go down a couple of back roads and hit my favorite holes about midway. Opening day there can be a fair amount of guysthere. after thaat you can pretty much have the place to yourself. good luck to ya.
  3. todd


    Does anyone know where i can get detailed depth maps of lake temagami and lady evelyn? Is there any free on the web ?
  4. if I could just add something of laura secord. She was a farmers wife who worked in a pub in niagara on the lake, at that time the american troops would often frequent the area and as I understand it she over heard some plans to take the area from some overly hydrated captain. She the rode to brantford on horseback all night to tell brock. The british army came and caught the americans asleep there encampment in cooks mills and snuck up the ravine to certain victory. I often go there and find musket balls and soldiers buttons in the adjoining fields. This is how I remember it being told, although I wasnt there, contrary to my kids beliefs.
  5. gas stash? I'll never tell lol. I used to keep it outside in the winter but the wolves (believe it or not) would eat it ,the jerry cans to boot.So the answer is no. I really dont go much in the winter.I have some friends from new liskeard that go in often to check on the place but thats about it.
  6. Yes definately, beware of the waterfall between diamond and lady E. It looks good but there is a heavy current there. Usaully there is a trail made around the bad spots. Even on lady E the water way narrows and has a decent current.,however the shore line is open and good riding, so if you stay off the water until the main body of water or at least till it opens up a bit you will be fine.That being said ive seen sled tracks right down these questionable spots and they seemed ok, but i would caution you there.
  7. ricks camp is on the island hub, Im up on the north arm.Im out of the way so many dont realize Im there. The camp has been there since 1969.Its not commercial obviously strictly family. But by all means come on by, im sure I could hunt down a refreshment or two to share.
  8. great post! I have a camp on Diamond lake and am going up in a week. I hope I have some good fishing like you guys had. Have you ever fished sharp rock inlet for lakers?
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