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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. Sadly the ice fishing day had to be cancelled due to a family emergency on the part of the guyI was supposed to take :(  I didn't have it in me to go it alone. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, maybe next year I'll get out on the ice.  Now to see what I can arrange for this spring/summer, it's been too long since I've gone fishing.


  2. Thanks everyone, I'll be sure to let you know how we do.  I don't have an auger which is one reason I decided to use a hut, also I've only ice fished a couple of times with others so don't have any of the regular gear required.  for a successful day on the ice.

    I guess tomorrow is shopping day :)


  3. I'm scheduled to take the gun course next month with a couple of co-workers.  After that I'm hoping to join the club in Barrie, I haven't shot often but enjoy the challenge of target shooting and hope to do more of it in the future. 


  4. Hey all, it's been a long while, I hope everyone is doing well.  I am planning to do a little ice fishing, hopefully with Floyd Hales, just waiting to hear back re my reservation request.  It has been years since I have ice fished, and I have never used a hut.  I will be picking up some ice fishing gear in the next week or so, what should I get beside a rod with reel :)  Ice fishing isn't something I do a lot of so I don't need to go crazy, what's the bare minimum you would recommend? 

    Fishing in a hut, I will be out there all day, have you guys made use of the BBQ's provided?  Any suggestions on what to take for lunch?  i'm taking a co-worker who has never fished before and I would like to make it as enjoyable and memorable as I can.

    Thanks for your help


  5. Cliff glad to see you've managed to get out a couple of times already, I didn't think the ice would be thick enough. I currently have weekends off until March. Come March I will have Tue/Wed off and if the huts are still out would love to join you at least once if possible :)


    I'll look forward to reading more of your reports in the meantime :)



  6. Congratulations Cliff, I'm glad it all worked out for you guys in the end. If possible I would like to come out for a visit when I am on vacation in August. I am not sure exactly what all my plans are but an working on a couple of day trips. I am off the first two weeks in August, and will get in touch with you closer to that time and see if we can work something out.

    Give my best to Sue :)


  7. Thanks everyone, it was a bit of a shock as she hadn,t been sick at all, everything was normal when I went to bed. I picked Rosie up a little over three years ago from the Brampton animal shelter. I can't get over how quiet the house is without her....she was always barking... lol ... never thought I would miss that.


    Thanks again


  8. Happy Birthday Norm, sorry you're under the weather and hope you feel better soon, but as you said at least you had your favorite Fish and Chips and Cake.....you can never go wrong with cake :)


    It's been too long since we have fished together, going to have to do something about that this year....



  9. Thanks for all the suggestions, they are very much appreciated. I'll check them out and go from there. I want to catch fish for sure, that's a given but I also know there are days it doesn't matter what you do, they just won't cooperate. I am looking for an all around experience, that is kid friendly...kids being 14 and 11.



  10. Hey all, for years I've wanted to try Salmon Fishing. This year I am working on making it happen. I am looking into Lake 'O' charters. Have any of you been on one? Can you recommend one over the other? It;s likely I'll only do a half day (6hr) charter, if so can you tell me if morning or afternoon is better,? Does it matter? I am hoping to take my best friend and more importantly her two boys on the adventure with me.


    Thanks for you help



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