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Posts posted by Andy

  1. I have been using this knot for a while with great results. I really like it. Anyone else using it?



    I've been using a version of that knot for years. I make 5 wraps down to the hook/lure, then up thru the top loop without going between the lines near the lure at the end of the wraps. Super quick and very strong. I use the super Uni for braid. Andy

  2. thanks, anyone know if I can wach the carbon drag washers?


    I also recommend Smooth drag carbontex washers. I found the company had very good sevice. I wasn't sure what I needed for one of my "not so common" reels, and they found exactly what I needed. I've added the link.




    As far as washing old drag washers, I used WD-40 to clean them, then let the washers dry, worked fine for me. WD-40 is much better as a solvent than as a lubricant. And it's something most guys will have around their homes.



  3. It's pathetic. He tries to make us feel better by giving us our own money back, unless you're one of the dregs who contribute next to nothing to start with...Bitter??? You'd better believe it.


    Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have.-Thomas Jefferson


    The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. -Thomas Jefferson


    Most bad government has grown out of too much government.-Thomas Jefferson


    I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.-Thomas Jefferson


    Amen to that. Andy

  4. Yeah, I know what you mean. All lot of my stuff bled thru the same sleeves, esp. the chartreuese stuff. I put everything in small plastice ziplocks and put them back in. Threw out the badly discolored sleeves. I don't use much plastic, so not a big deal for me.

  5. Except for the one pillar not going up, I enjoyed the technical stuff. I don't know what the circumstances were (who was late and why) but the empty seats in the executive area when the GG was introduced was completely unacceptable, there was no excuse for it, people taking coats off, racing around, setting up chairs. I give credit to the young woman singing the anthem, awesome voice, it just should have been something we could all sing. I was thoroughly disgusted when the kinda different version of the anthem was being sang. There were people in the executive box still missing, and others still talking and moving about,(the woman behind the Prime Minister in the red sweatshirt and dreads should be deeply ashamed for being an embarassment to the nation) and hardly anyone standing at attention. I'm still pissed. The troups in Afghanistan showed how it's done, all at attention during the entire song. I couldn't figure out why the flags weren't waving more than they were, they didn't look right either. Overall, I thought it was good, it just looked like someone tried a little too hard at times, and tried to accomodate too many sensitive people, without getting the small stuff right. But what do I know. Andy

  6. I was there a couple years ago for a wedding. Went to the range, still got the target paper downstairs...It was kinda cool, the range gave me a card, they said in case I set off the detector/sensor at the airport. (residue?? Not sure if they were kidding or not.) Went to Bass Pro, a lot like the rest, picked up a spinner that I could get anywhere, but I did catch a musky on that Vegas bait. We went to see "Ka" by Cirque de Soliel(??), amazing show, and if it's still there I highly recommend going to see it. Also saw Tom Jones, and although I can't believe I'm saying it, he can still put on a great show. Caught myself singing along...If you have the time, and your partner likes shopping, take as little clothing as possible. Jeans, shoes, fragrances, etc. in the outlet malls at prices often near half what we pay here. Enjoy. Andy

  7. Would you be interested in a used rod? I have a two piece Fenwick Canadian Methods musky trigger rod, excellent shape, rated 1-4 oz, medium-heavy, 6'6", works good with smaller bucktails, cranks, etc. New at Lebarons for $62.00. I work in Stratford, I see your from Woodstock. Come to Stratford and it's yours for $30.00. Andy

  8. Wow, are you serious with the senkos Andy?

    Are you using good ones (like YUM Dingers) or cheap imitations with no salt etc? Man Senko type worms have caught me loads of fish over the past two years. In fact that is what I have caught most of my smallies on. Are you using them right?

    PM me if I can help.


    No, I love the real Senkos and have had good success on the Yum baits. It's anything by Storm that's been a waste of money.

  9. 1. Storm plastics. (grubs and "senko" type baits) They'll end up in the garbage when I need the room.

    2. 6" perch Reef Hawg. I know they are supposed to be a classic baits, but I can't get it to do anything. I haven't quite given up on it yet. Maybe I just can't fish glider type baits. I was kinda disappointed with my Hellhounds and Phantoms too.

    3. Double showgirls and double bladed DC8s in different colors. I have a number of lures that didn't catch a musky last year, but some of them didn't get a lot of time in the water. I threw these a lot, and nothing to show for it. I'd put on a single bladed Mepps and catch fish.

  10. I had a 15.5' Smokercraft with a 40 merc on it, great boat. Only sold it 'cause I wanted something a little bigger and a opportunity came up on a Starcraft I liked. Only issue, if you want to call it that, was that you would have to check and tighten the odd screw. They may not be built as heavy as some brands, but they are a sharp looking boat, I still kinda miss my old one.

  11. Just going to bed after a 12 hr nightshift. After 4 to 5 hours sleep this morning, I'll be in a zombie-like state all afternoon, and likely lying wide awake in bed later tonight hoping it doesn't take too long to fall asleep.

  12. Hello Bernie.

    Nope, we left late Monday morning, stayed an extra night. It took a bit to get the quads started a couple days because of the cold, but other than that everything ran well. Hope to run into you sometime, I like to get up there at least a couple of times each summer.

    Actually, I might have already met ya once before... and if I'm not mistaken, I met your father? at the launch at Wade's Landing one fall. He was trolling Hunter's Bay for pike. I went to talk to him about his beautiful Geisler boat and he said he and his boys built them. My son and I have taken a quick tour of the shop in Powassan where the boats are built, met a couple o' fine fellows. I've also stopped by the dealership in Powassan for parts. Once again, good folks. Andy

  13. Was up there at the opener. Can't remember if there was a coffee maker or not. Made instant. We did have a television, watched the Leafs lose. (I don't really remember the game, but I imagine that was the outcome.) There was a small clock radio as well. My son brought one of those job site radios. The stove top worked well, pots and pans in the cabinet underneath. We brought up a box of plastic utensils, paper plates, paper towels and the like, easier cleanup. To anyone going anywhere up there, don't forget to pack a roll or two of two ply tp....ya never know what awaits you that way, and it will seem like a luxury item at times. Mark is a great fellow, we'll go back just because we appreciate the effort he put out for us. Fishing was a little slow, mainly perch, but the ten of us likely managed around 15 pickeral for the weekend. I only managed two pics, but I did get my PB pickeral that weekend, a 28" by 17.5" fish, a real beauty. High fives all around, and I managed to get kinda wrecked during the celebration. ( I gotta stop letting others mix the whisky.) No pike, which I found kinda odd. Most of the time we used jigs w/ minnows. My son and I did have success on small jigging spoons tipped w/ minnow. We brought up a sled, a couple 4X4's, and couple augers and explored a bit with little success. Windy and very cold all weekend. Hope ya have a good time. Andy

  14. I've had enough, but people have always enjoyed the misery of others. One thing I don't get is where did he find the time? Between practice, tournaments, sponsorships and family, how'd he'd keep any type of "transgression" a secret? I know my wife would know something was up the second I walked in the door if I tried something like that! Maybe he just a has a great "short game".

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