"Those who can do, and those who cannot teach" very truthfull saying in my book. Unfortunately the Ontario taxpayer is being held hostage by one of the strongest unions in the country who manage to get a 10% raise when others are just fighting for there jobs being there the next day.
I was dating a teacher in Toronto earlier this year and she would work a six hour day (when she didnt call in sick) and get the usual 2.5 months holidays and yet still recieve $82,000 a year. If she worked during the summer you can image what here final income would be for the year. Her idea of stress was 7 year olds not listening in class. Thats terrible, what about the real world where you have to PERFORM and answer to your boss on a daily basis or you will be fired. Whats troublesome is that this group seem to think they are entitled to yearly increases just because their union has the public by the balls.
Reality check: Teachers are like a jack of all trades, if they didnt teach they certainly WOULD NOT earn $100,000 a year in another career field. 100K is a lot of money that should be a result of HARD WORK or a skill set in high demand. I think many would agree with me that most teachers do not possess or demonstrate either of these traits.
Didnt Reagan fire all of the striking air traffic controllers in the 80's?