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Posts posted by GeorgeJ

  1. to answer your original question an 01 Magnum's worth, about $3000 give or take a couple hundred dollars. A good machine but almost any 9 year old quad will require some spending here and there to keep them going, also for what it is worth in the crowd I ride with it seems the Polaris's need a little more attention than the others.

  2. Bernie from what I have read the early 50's were not as reliable as the later built ones of the 50's and they are every bit as nice to look at but they do seem to be a little harder to find. I put coils,points, wires etc and a water pump in the 10 hp and it seems to run ok in a barrel but have not tried it on a boat. I noticed the shift lever bracket is cracked but still works and where the motor pivots on the mount that it is sitting too low causing interference when turning, it's like a bushing or bearing is missing. Bernie do you know if there is a bushing between the transom mount and the motor housing?

  3. What a great job Bernie! I think the outboards from the 40's, 50's and 60's are great and I love to see them especially out on the water. I have so far got a couple of early 50's Johnson's, a 5hp and a 10hp both running. The 10hp has a brass prop. I'm constantly watching them on ebay but shipping them to Canada is a expensive issue which makes it cheaper just to buy them near by. I found both the Johnson's listed on Kijiji.

  4. another vote for aluminum for the already mentioned reasons, also they take the weather better if stored outside, takes a smaller hp motor vs the same size fiberglass, more fuel efficient. Older fiberglass boats especially scare me, make sure you check them over good especially around the transom. Look for cracks, or any swelled areas, check the gel coat for chips that may have let water in and soaked the wood core. Good luck with your search. Older aluminum boats may have cracks or loose rivets too so take your time and look them over well too.

  5. Well if you can't use the windows or anything without the thing running.. maybe someone should look into announcing another National Safety recall on these things! Does it not have the ability to run accessories without starting the car?


    As I am only familiar with Chrysler products I can only speak of how their key works, they have actually moved the accessory position from the past locked position (where your steering wheel would become locked) to before. So from the run position you go to the accessory position then to lock which you can only do if you are in park. So all windows, door locks etc. would stay functional. In a stuck throttle position I would think on any car you should be able to turn the key off run and still maintain control of the car although the steering and brakes would be affected.

  6. I would say yes, I would do it without any concern. If you want to make absolutely sure see if they sell 2 different width rims for 12" tires. I would be more concerned about having enough clearance to run the 530, remember to take into consideration the tire travel when you hit bumps and are loaded.

  7. I think you should hook up a chain between it and Lew's new truck and have a pull off!


    Somebody also suggested racing for pink slips :o both these ideas would make great you-tube videos but speaking for myself I couldn't do it till that new truck smell is gone! :lol:

  8. Looks like you have it figured out, There is usually more than one wire on the trailer feeding the running lights, sometimes they both run up to the plug creating an extra wire and sometimes they splice in down under the trailer to feed the extra running lights and then you have the traditional 4 at the plug.

  9. Mighty Dodge!!


    What are ya towing?


    How Ya doin Sinker? I'm not towing anything real big 3 to 4 thousand pounds but often usually a couple times a month down the 401 but that was at the upper end for my 6 cylinder Dakota I traded in. This truck may be a bit over kill but it will be nice to have the extra power especially when the winds are blowing hard out of the west like the usually are on the way home.

  10. I know I'm going out on a bit of a limb here posting a pic of my new truck because of some past posts I've read about some unhappy Dodge owners here, but I thought what the heck. When it comes time for me to buy a new vehicle I feel I have to be loyal to Chrysler, they have been my sole employer for the past 28 years and I have had pretty good luck with their vehicles, none have been perfect and I don't expect this one will be either, but I will say for 2010 there seems to be some improvements time will tell!


  11. I have the Medium Ice Cabin, 2 person, only I didn't get the bench seat or 2 swivel singles, I'm going to make something for this winter instead of folding beach chairs. The sled is made of thick poly, hardly any flex, the top material is pretty thick too, sewn in attachment goes all the way around and simply snaps on, no screwing needed, the superstructure is made of square poles, they expand and collapse without problems. I see the info sheet says 90lbs, maybe a mistake or I'm getting stronger(highly doubt it). Get the extra runners, they take up a lot of road wear, got mine at BPS for about $35, they should last 2-3 winters. I made my own tow bar, I have my MIG for that. So far, no complaints compared to that Pile of Bovine Excrement from Frabil the year before. It's long enough to accomodate the Jiffy auger. Unless you have someone with seamstress qualifications, maybe get the custom cover too, keeps your kit in and snowbanks out.



    Fisherman where did you buy it? seems like they don't have many distributors in Ontario

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