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About Diltsy

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  1. Hey, I PM'd you about you classified ad...

  2. Windows also has a movie maker that comes with the OS. I believe it is called windows movie maker. It works on the same lines as iMovie.
  3. Fish from the bridge to the boat club all the way back towards the parking lot for the boat launch. It's away from all the picnicking people and plenty of fish to be had! What are you using for bait? Jerk baits seem to be the key for me. I had to work it slow, pausing long in between jerks. When that wasn't working and I could see the followers, I downsized my jerk bait and started to catch fish. Here's a video of my first outing there this year!
  4. My only complaint with the gopro is underwater. The footage is terrible. If you are looking to get a lot of under water shots you might want to look into an after market flat lens for the housing, though they are fairly expensive. If you search gopro focus fix or gopro blur fix on youtube you will find some DIY videos on how to fix the problem as well as before and after clips. Other than that I love the camera and can't wait to put it to use this summer!
  5. Thanks everyone. I'm loving the camera and can't wait to make some more videos! I used a gopro HD hero camera and adobe premiere for editing. Keep a look out for more videos!
  6. I got out yesterday for a few hours and decided to try for some pike. I bought myself a GoPro camera boxing week, so I figured it would be a goo opportunity to test it out! Here's a video of one of my catches. I ended up with 3 pike, all around the same size. Enjoy, and hope to have some awesome fishing videos this season! Diltsy
  7. I put together a fishing video from my last outing from shore. Thought you guys might like to see it. I filmed it by myself so it was difficult to get everything in there! I won't even get into trying to edit it on my slow computer, lol. Hope you enjoy. The next one will be better, I promise!
  8. For all the guys wondering about the gopro - I have also been looking into getting one but was really unimpressed with the image quality underwater. That would be the main reason for the purchase for me, so I was a little upset. I found this video that shows how to fix the problem. - If you read the description it links you to the work that was done. This camera seems like a beast for things above water, but if you're like me and looking for some below water action just keep this in mind!
  9. Thanks guys! Wayne, we could have ten tapes full of good video from that day! So many fish!! Johnny Bass, I waited two yaers before joining my club... I guarantee when you join, you will regret not joining sooner! Hope to get some more shooting done next year, maybe get some ice fishing videos up!
  10. So I had a school project to document a lifestyle, naturally I decided to do it on fishing! I have joined a bass fishing club this year decided to have my main focus on tournament fishing. I thought some people on here might like to see it, so here's the link! Also if your internet connection is good, be sure to watch it in HD!
  11. Hey Urban fisherman! I am a broadcasting student going in to my second year. I really wanted to work in film when I decided to go to school, but now I think a fishing or outdoors show would be an amazing job! Any advice for going that direction?? Anyway you can get me on set to see how it all comes together?
  12. Thanks everyone, thanks JP. I decided to soak the line in hot water for 5 minutes and it seems to have fixed the problem! I'm not sure if has completely fixed the problem or not, but it has definitely helped. The line doesn't just fall off the spool anymore. I will have to wait to give it a full test. I will let you all know how I make out! JP, I am definitely going to give fluoro a fair try. When you say 8 is the most you will go... is this because the line gets stiffer the higher the test?
  13. Thanks again for they reply's. I decided after reading up on a few sites and from paulyboy mentioning it, to soak the line on the spool in warm water. I'll keep you posted on the results.
  14. Thanks for the reply's. I am putting the line on a spinning reel. And braid with a fluorocarbon leader is the way I usually do it... but after watching Getting School'd, Jp and Dave made me think I should try just fluorocarbon.
  15. (Gasps for air) Ok... I think it's done, for now. I don't know what happened, I spooled it up just like I normally would, the only difference was I decided to use fluorocarbon! I have read all the benefits to fluorocarbon and finally decided to put it on my new drop shot rod and reel. Everything started off good but before I knew it the line was twirling up on itself! I heard there was line twist with fluorocarbon... but this was just ridiculous! I twisted to spool around a few times, straightened it out and spooled it up. Now I ran the line through the eyelets when all of a sudden my reel began to vomit all of the line onto the floor! I was entangled in a fluorocarbon ball. Anyway, I kicked the lines ass and secured the end of the line but I am worried it won't make it through the night without spewing the rest of the line up. So what did I do wrong?? Is there some sort of trick to it? I was putting 8 pound P-line 100% fluorocarbon on and all I can think of is I should have had the line put on in the store. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Ryan.
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