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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. logic a word rarely ever heard anymore.we ,yes that's us canadiens ,at one time were revered amongst other countrys. now becoming the corporate lapdog of the u.s.a. have become boot lickers.. leadership means leading,not swaying to whoevers banner flys,and puts dollars into the coffers..first and foremost is making CANADA the best place to live,for its citizens..with taxation at the highest 42per-cent of every dollar,countless scandals where doo I turn???. our government fleeces migratory workers,and uses citizens as peons to whip middle class out of existence..whomever gets to be prime minister will once again follow corporate orders. vote TELLme who for...... its laughable .sad eh.

  2. sad. many folks actually need pain meds to control pain. then theres the abusers. here in southern.ont,you can count on a pee test at every script refill from doctors. pain meds are prescribed when doctors/surgeons have no fix thru surgery or temporary till corrective surgery can be done.. then theres the surgery failures that normally lead to opiates to control pain. . sad but theres no cure,not yet thru our health care. its easier to mask problems then get corrective surgery. believe my I am one of those canditates.

  3. theres lots offered in the lsc region. one shortage in peak season is accomadations. .. just west of belle river is sandbar restaurant/ramp also. nice quiet launch. good depth. .Rochester campground also. but you need a 3 day booking ,camping/tent,with ramp/dockage.

  4. trash. same here in Windsor,s waterfront. our waterfront allows shorefishing. sadly its made the news for trash,from fishing slobs. we for years have to remind city council waterfronts for families/fishing. city councils shows us trash from slobs. sadly this will be the demise of fishing on our waterfronts.

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