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Fishing 24/7

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About Fishing 24/7

  • Birthday 07/27/1985

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  1. Trouts are from quebec, and they have a red belly, Why cant they be called quebec reds? There not native trouts Stockers! Thanks for the awesome feed back guys more to come!
  2. Took Friday off for Black Crappie. A phenomenal day ladding in the 100+ numbers Then my buddies call me up for saturday. ''safe'' ice up in the mountains you in ? sure. * clic* leave at 3:30 am after 4 houres sleep. After the bite cooled off. We switch lakes. Whities and lakers they say. Im in for sure. 1:30 houre after in the bush on the trikes. as im sleeping in my crappie bed . my buddies call. Ring a ding dong .. hello? Greasers tomorrow ? the lake sunk today. Sure *clic* stay tuned
  3. we have found paradice. our dream has finaly been realized! punch me in the face .... wake me up... is this reality?
  4. Went camping with my dad for 7 days. guess who lands the BEAST of the week. father of course!!!
  5. FINALY! someone who has a brain!!!!!!!!!! people cry becasue of an E.A.P. WHY!!!!!!!!!!! if you think im trying to make a 1 lbs bass look like a 5 lbs bass WHO CARES! just compair the hand to the head. right on bro! i would never bother post a bass under 4 lbs NEVER!
  6. nevermind the way im holding them mikethejelousebassfisherman enjoi the brutes
  7. well i went for a walk in the park last week. and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! after landing these with a rotten double tailedmister twister missing one tail. i decided to take candy from a baby. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! the next mornning i felt bad. so i put my poker face on and pulled out a pair of 3's and won the world championship. SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had a chance to fish with the old man, he was shooting his mouth about how bass fishing is SOoOoOoOo easy and that you can catch them with a beer bottle cap........ well, i should have believed him. WAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMO! OH BOY after that was i ever tired. Its hard working in quebec with all the effort i have to put up to catch these nickels.
  8. sweet fish man! that bear's got glass eyes!
  9. your right but when i go fishing i like to take pictures of the fish eveyone seen my face but this bass is unique so therefor im putting all the angles on it. i dont wanna show to much back ground and i sure dont want to show my face. its a fishing site and im showing a fish. your going to tell me a 5.2 lbs bass is small ? i dont care how far or how close its from the camera. its a HOG! in every angle
  10. you got that right but still . a 5.2 bass is a HELL OF A BASS in my books. just a PURE TANK!
  11. now thats a fight in a half ! great catch and sweetrelease
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