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Court R

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Posts posted by Court R

  1. Sorry Court I guess I assumed you were asking about fishing right at the dam.


    Most guys down there do.


    My apologies.


    Laszlo is right too. If it's steelhead you're after there's way better fishing in other areas especially a bit further downstream.

    No problem,just was thinking of trying something differant, been fishing the US tribes the last few weeks.

  2. Mike, you can repeat that message till the cows come home. Some people will never ever read the regulations. A few others will read them and never abide by them and yet others will try to read them but will always claim ignorance.

    Just asked for a report, didn't say I would be fishing right at the dam.

  3. definitly not muskoka area!! I'd drive hours out of my way to stay away from the riff raff in that area!!



    My place is halfway between hali and bancroft, on a small lake with lakers and bass. There are so many lakes within a half hour drive, I have a hard time deciding where I want to fish!! After 20 years in the area, there are still sooooooooo many lakes I want to fish!!!



    I hear ya..mine is also between hali and bancroft, tons of lakes and hardly any people, and fish like this.


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