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Posts posted by azebra

  1. hey, search Google for Manitoulin private cottage rentals., on Manitoulin island, the largest freshwater island in the world. on the north shore of Georgian bay. many of lovely spots if you do the reachurch. bugs are all over in the summer months. no no luck getting out of that. pm me, and i can tell you some lakes and towns , but nothing like a picturesque town.. its northern ontario, your roughing it a bit!

  2. I landed a catfish about 6 weeks ago. it took a black fly i tied. Iv been down there a bout once a week for 7 weeks. seen lots of salmon and maybe steelhead, one guy I met showed me a photo of a little shaker he landed there, nice pink and chrome. its open from eglinton down year round. lots and lots of water between there and lake O. PM me anytime you wanna go for a few hours. im a 30 min walk from pottery road and bayview..

  3. Hello, I live really close to the don river south of Eglinton. I was wondering if anyone wanted to go fish it sometime? Iv seen fish in there. Hooked into a king but that didnt last long at all. I know there are some bows and brown in there too. any takers, just looking for someone to cast and poop chat with.

  4. No wonder you get banned from website's!!

    LOL Im not surprised if in the opposite. a lot of grown adults do cry.. and are so snooty! stuck up fly or pinner, im a pinner but far from being all cought up in the expensive center pin fly attitude! I hate it! I fish trout in the fall winter spring, with a spinning reel attitude :)

  5. Please don't name creeks and spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What's wrong with saying "Lake Erie trib"?????

    People wonder why the traffic is rediculous at their fishin hole?????

    Thanks !!!!


    Everyone into any sort of trout fishing/salmon fishing is aware that the Great Lakes is the hot spot rite next to The Pacific ocean Cali, Oregon,B.C Alaska..etc.. people need to relax a little bit in my opinion, plus its better for your health!


    Any one in Toronto wanna hit up a trib? I have no car...

  6. I'm 2 km south of Kleinburg, 2 minutes from hwy 27, 3 minutes from the 400 and BPS, 5 minutes to Hwy 7, all of the conveniences anyone could ever need; the city above Toronto :rolleyes:


    Nice and quiet, no traffic, but I do commute to King and Dufferin every day and not crazy about it!


    Newmarket is nice and so is Maple . . . im 5 min from dvp, 8min from 401. and used togo to king and dufferin everyday too. but only to see a woman. only took 20 min drive 40 min bus..

  7. my reel is just over half spooled .. 6lb line. gel spun backing. im new to centerpin angling, last year new. but I was told to never ever side cast. people say most people do it, its easy... etc... well. personally I like the challenge. I only wallis cast. now I couldn't side cast if my life depended on it, and nothing depends on a side pull.. learn the wallis, no twist. and a beautiful form.*flow* it looks.

  8. Woe is me, i dont know how ive lasted this long fishing long, hard to pack float rods at 11'-6", 13'-6", and 14'-0". But ive finally snapped one. My Raven 14ft. IM-8, 3 pc. is now a 13'-6"er :(:(:(:(


    I think its two years old, cant remember exactly when the purchase took place, i will check my receipt when i can...........but what are anyones suggestion........GO to the retailer and try and exchange it, or get a hold of Raven direct? How long if this is a replacable situation will this take, whats there policy etc........any input or suggestions. ??? Ive got a whippy St. Croix i can falll back on in the meantime.........








    iv got raven. never replaced it tho. never broke it. but this is what i know.

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