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Posts posted by azebra

  1. Is this okay to post?

    I went brook trout fishing in central southern ontario this past weekend. saturday I woke at 6am, cold, brisk, damp misty morning. shuffled into my waders, tied on a royal wulff dry fly, size small as heck! the mist was so thick I could hardly see 50 feet, I edged up to the river bank staying low and quiet, just long enough to observe a couple rises just down stream of me. beside a fallen tree and undercut bank about 12-18 inched deep,I just know there must be a trout there! i creep on my knees and hand to a suitably casting range, I let the fly land close to the outside seam, nothing, a little further in.. drag free drift, no bite... another 18 inches closer to the bank,it drifts 5-6 feet and BANG! slight stiff wrist and I hooked a gorgeous 11 3/4 inch spec not 10 min after being on the water, the little fella(big fella) for this particular system gave me a whirl, a jump,a kick and a few darts into the brush later and he was in my hand, hooked the fish nicely in the corner of the mouth! Im sorry i have no pictures as the camera was hidden in the tent with my sleeping GF. HEAVEN FORBID I wake her. I let the fish go healthy and strong for one of you fellow forum pals to find the stream and where the trout like to live!

    happy fishing all and keep the rivers clean dont poach and dont be rude asses or ill hate you all :) all the best Jordan

    if you need a picture google ontario brook trout and royal wulff dry fly :P


    I have this Panasonic and its amazing. I priced it at sears and it was 1200 less there then best buy. So best buy matched that price.



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  3. Hey that sounds good,you'll love em! I have the Rivershed boot and a pair of G4 pro waders, not the 'Z' (im not that feeble)(yet) LOL

    although releasing mother nature can be time consuming, then I wish I had gone for the Z.

    Ive had them for 17 or so months now and got a gash through some of the layers on the knee, I have patched it myself, and its just fine, but ugly. I recently noticed I may have a small leak in my neoprene bootie.. anyways,its a wee pain. did you call simms first about your repair/warranty? or just send them in? have you registered them? because I haven't registered mine yet.. I dont think..

    So does that mean I'm void? I hope not with the $ spent. and I truly love them and have 0 complaints. PM me it you wish or just keep the thread open.. Peace! Jordan

  4. Thats a hell of a specimen! Iv had many suckers, but how would I distinguished between a redhorse(witch are a bit rare) rite? and a white regular sucker.. are the find red and the side of the head look like a horse? thats all I can come up with short of googling them.

  5. they are fun, and have some shoulders, *whisper* iv been known to play em on the reel for fun* catch em on little nymphs and they seem to try and eat egg sucking leeches, probably for the egg on the end, always get em through the nose or lips, a lot of you will recognize that stretch and there are steel in there now, its open year round for trout in that area. but its close to the lake O

  6. Single eggs are good for suckers. Water temp for spawning is > 10oC. The way the weather is going that could be in a couple weeks! Many steelhead will be stuffed with sucker eggs.


    I would have to disagree, Ive witnessed bows spawning in as cold as 1-2 Celsius

  7. humm, I dont own a bait caster, but when I go musky, fishing things like that I use my friends big old rods and baitcasters, their all left hand cast and I HATE IT, they even normally cast with their right with spinning gear or a centerpin, but why are baitcasters mostly left handed.. I wish I knew.. and to that guy thrpwing 1/2 oz lures to 16 oz, hey, i dont know if you have any idea of weight, or maybe you have never poked smot. or bought smot. but 16 oz is 1 pound. unless your bottom bouncing the pacific ocean LMAO, 5/8 of an oz will get ya down 100ft in calm lake water..

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