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Everything posted by Pepe

  1. Thanks Leechman !
  2. Here's a little video I made of my trip to the Terrace Bc region last November, I'm gonna have to pracrice editing video this was my first ! Enjoy Pierre
  3. Pink, chartreuse and white seem to work better for me. Early morning its chartreuse time !
  4. Just wanted to share my excitement with you guys, I'm leaving for Terrace BC on Nov 4th thru the 7Th for a little business trip. Of course my rods and reels will be following me and I'll be able to squeeze 1 1/2 2 days of fishing for giant BC Steel. I will post pics when I return. Cheers Pierre
  5. thanks I'll try that. Now bring on the cold and the steel !!!
  6. Hey guys, I justed cured a batch of roe this week, used my usual method of salt curing (been doing it the same for 10 years)and my eggs are alot jucier than normally, there are alot that bursted and there is alot of liquid in the jars. What should I do to save them? Should I drain the liquid ? Please give me your opinion on this. Thanks Pepe
  7. I started out with a sheffield and it runs nice same thing for the aventa. Actually all three reels you stated are good values, and they will catch fish ! If you want to splurge get a Kingpin Imperial they're gggrrrreat !!!
  8. I side cast all the time even if I mastered the other casts I still use a side cast and honestly I don't have tons of line twist. Change your line often and like someone said earlier, cut off your rig and let line out in the water to eliminate twist and you'll be good to go. The swivel above the float also helps. Cheers Pepe
  9. Thanks guys for responding, I checked the water levels online, and they seem to indicate a drop in water level. I'm going to make the suicide run anyway and try to make the most out of it. If you have any more info feel free to post. Thanks Pepe
  10. Hey guys, Not looking to get spoonfed info here but just need some advice, would it be worth it to make the trip to estern lake O tribs on Sunday and Monday, I have a long car ride and would like to have some on the field info. Thanks in advance, Pepe P.S. if you are more comfortable you can pm me.
  11. Up! Really need this info thanks!
  12. Hey guys, I need really important info on water flow and ice cover for eastern lake O tribs. I'm planning on taking the drive down from Montreal on sunday. Any info will be much appreciated. PM me if you want. Thanks and Happy Hollidays, Pierre (Pepe)
  13. Hey guys , I am looking to go fishing and camping around Lake O and I'd like to know if the salmon have started to get close to the creeks. Thanks for your help, Pepe
  14. Hey guys and gals, I would like to know what the flow on the eastern tribs is like these days and how's the snow melt going along, if there is any snow left. Thanks , Pepe
  15. I can confirm what Drifter said licenses are such a hassle in B-C it's expensive and complicated. I fished the Skeena river around Terrace and Smithers and surrounding tribs such as the Copper, Babine and Kispiox. Access is not bad on certain rivers but on others it is almost inaccessable. And quite frankly we fished the region hard for 3 weeks and we did get some nice fish but if you are excpecting numbers it ain't the place. As for cost, getting there from Montreal cost us 1200$ each, lodging 45$ each per night + gas + rental car + licenses for a total of around 5k$ each for 3 weeks I am sure you can do it for cheaper but not by a whole lot. Pepe
  16. It's the guy who weighs 50 lbs, come on guys , you got it all wrong !!!! lol
  17. Great fish ! Looks like an amazing day on the river.
  18. Its ok but it's pretty short and the mesh tends to tangle up. Thanks everybody for the nice comments!
  19. The steelhead itch finally got so bad I had to go... We left Montreal at midnight and headed towards New york State. Fished all day monday and tuesday till 11 am, we fighted around 25 fish between the 2 of us and got 15 or 16 to the net. All in all a great few days on the tribs, decent weather, great fish and good company! here is some fish porn. The colors on all the fish we caught were incredible, most of the steelies were colored up but we did get a few chromers. Pepe
  20. Here's B.C. Steel Here's Ontario Steel Here's New York State Steel And Here's Montreal steel !!! Unfortunately, I have to do quite a bit of traveling to find my fetish fish but it's all worth it....
  21. Hey guys, This is my first post on this fabulous board, I've been a long time lurker and finally decided to make the jump. I'm a 27 year old steelhead bum from Montreal's western suburbs. From november to May you can find me hunting steelies anywhere around Lake O. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself Cheers, Pepe P.S. How's the water doing in the eastern tribs ?
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