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Posts posted by okumasheffield

  1. At first, it was the bearing problem ... now my clicker is gone


    Went out early morning today trying to beat the rain ...


    Rushed to the water from the parking and was so excited seeing nice water color

    started setting up my rod and noticed my clicker is not as responsive as before ...


    guess what ... it was fatigeed ... nearly broken into half


    I have lost the original part list and am also wondering where I can order it



  2. To cut the long story short, something found its way into my Sheffield bearings

    and has got to the point that they dont spin anymore


    looking for replacement/upgrade bearings

    but could not find specifications of the original 'German HBP bearings' to compare to


    Any ideas on HBP bearings and perhaps suggestions on where/what to buy them?


    Thanks in advance

  3. Things always happen when least expected


    My beloved Sheffield float rod just shattered on me today while rigging up splitshots on the shore


    I would at leat to break my rod tip while fighting fish, slamming car doors or even stepping on it by accident

    but definitely NOT when it was being setup!


    After putting myself together, I quickly re-cast it back in the water and FISH ON!

    the fish was not big but it was a fun battle with two less guides



    Any information on claiming warranty and recommednation to rods with similiar action/power are most welcome!

  4. BTW, forgot to tell the story ...


    It was another gin clear day and couldnt hook onto anything since 7:00am ...


    Out of my desperation ... slowly put on my 3-lb FC leader with size 14 hook


    First drift ... my fishing buddy called me and my float WENT DOWN HARD!

    For sure I set the hardest hook ever in my life and FISH ON!


    Hung up on him and my reel started spinning like crazy!


    After 10 seconds ... no more head shake or movement ... damn! probably got snagged ...

    Guess what? It started running again!


    After landing it ... I can say is ............... SPRING is HERE!


    Hope you enjoy the pic

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