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Posts posted by hurraylien

  1. havent posted in a while and not very good at writing a report.But here goes these first couple shots are some of the bigger browns me and friends have caught over the summer from my fave resident creek





    these next shots are from last day of creek fishin last week.the day started a little slow didnt get out till three not exactly prime time.Then i had a little luck caught 2 15 inch bows in a row and then i thought a third, but it was a female spawner around 5 6 pounds i guesstimate. That really got me goin as we were hitting the last hr of light.i was hunting for a big brown but the hen would definately suffice.i contemplated keeping her but, no i let her go to do her thing




    The next few pics are from this weekend on a huron trib.Only got out a few hrs each day so i was quite happy with the result,already doing better than all last fall.Caught all fish on spinners all #2 mepps, a gold and silver aglia and black fury yellow spots.The biggest fish of the four was cool.We spotted a few fish and i casted close by and the male who looked to be swimming away did a u turn from outta nowhere and slammed my spinner





  2. try reaper its free and very powerful, they ask you to buy if you use for 30 days but its a modest 60 dollars.but there are no restrictions after the 30 days.also i believe if you want to run pro tools on pc you need either didgdesign or m-audio hardware cards also there are tons of free drum,piano and synth vsti out there to drumcore is a really good drum prog they have a free version only one kit but it sounds good and will get you on your way.you can pm me for the links if you like

  3. Went to a favorite huron trib tues at first light.one other person at the hole.

    The same hole where i had lost four fish the week before due to crappy leader line.

    The water was much lower and there was less fish,but i managed to catch this beauty i know its hard to tell the size in the pic but its close to 30 inch after about and hr of trying a few different baits and approaches.

    I started bottom bouncing then switched to a float with a berkley power bait pink worm.

    I stayed there for about another hour then decided to move upstream.

    where there had been some action a few days before,but there was no fish to be found for the rest of the day except one small 8 incher.

    Hoping they get some considerable rain the next day or two so i can get another shot in before it gets cold.fish on tightlines.by the way the fish was released to go do her thing


  4. started good went to a huron trib and had the whole creek to ourselves, lots of fish but couldnt land any because of all the wood.went back to the cottage for some lunch and pick up supplies by the time we got back the storm was full force so had to stay in the cottage.got back out at around 5 when the wind and rain had died down.but our creek was blown right out by that point.so we decided to check out bayfield which was still fishable but didnt have any real luck except one small shaker and the water was pretty warm already.sunday morning we drove north to goderich and it was blown out, then on to the nine mile which was pretty dirty too so we headed way up stream and caught a break it was still fishable.within a few min i got a hen about 2 pds and seen a few others that had some luck but within 2 hrs the river had come up a fair bit and was dirty so we headed out.all in all was great to get out


  5. okay my last 5 trips i,ve been skunked but i still had great days out but needless to say i was starting to get bummed out.i hit port albert and kincardine this weekend and both spots were slow and low but we had a little surprise we caught 3 lakers over 2 nights of fishing in kincardine.of course they are out of season so the had to go back but i probably wouldnt have kept them anyways.they arent steelhead but they are trout and they ended my skunk streak so heres a few pics of the weekend






  6. i am renting a cottage in port albert this weekend its a crap shoot for there water is still low but i was at the saugeen monday and saw a fair number of rainbows caught and didnt see one salmon at dennys dam so might have to go there saw one guy nail about 6 fish in a row he said he was on 20.have to break this skunk run

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