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That net in the background....is that what you use to land? just curious...do you keep or release?
Laz you should return the pin...apparently it is only for elitest 'snub-nosed' brats who do not know how to fish any other way!! and have too much money to spend LOL this is of course coming from guys way north...who for the most part have never used one...or used one properly.or just have an attitude...
Oh boy ...Ive had enough...lol...Edit what you like...lol...I stand behind what Ive sai. if you want the full version go back 100 replies lol...gotta be a record for one night.
Not this spring...but I know guys who have in the past when its LEGIT....its closed you know where your thinking...but then again vini...we dont want to opent that can of worms do we? remember those pics of you guys poaching last fall...lol
but I believe you said in drifting situations you use a centre pin unless the wind is over 25km/h...correct? I understand why...the line blowing off the pin is a pain in the ass if you dont know how to control it... and again...every single post you have made here has been about centrepins and teaching your buddies to use a centre pin? notwithstanding your carp posts....which incidently are Awesome on a pin as well In addition...just because you decided to use a flyrod or ot bottom bounce on that particular day doesnt make it more effective....it just means you have a lot more time to mess around,..lol......ive seen you on the rivers several times with nothing other than a centre pin...
you can edit my posts? lol
Yo bud, I hear ya...DAM you got a great job...!! any grade 12 girls? Lol...wait...i never asked that...lol.. As for the rest...yo man...read it all from page 8,...im gettin attacked from ll sides,..mostly from the same 4 guys...its all good...I luahg at it for the most part. there is a reason they let posts like this keep going as long as it is within limits...Im getting a commissiion
7 years for a 2 year college diploma that anyone over the age of 21 can walk into without a highschool diploma? Impressive...Lol did you have to do a read and write test,..or just count to ten on your fingers? or 9 ? toes? As for me,..I got an acutal honors degree in Environmental Science majoring in earth and atmoshpheric and water science. You wouldnt understand the level we go into. Many grads from your program tried to get into mine and got exempted from like 2 courses out of 40,...lol. the whole fisheries/wildlife part was kindof the bird course aspect...where we went to the tanks for the breeding and saw how they added extra dye to the fish to make them more colurful...for commercial operations. kindof like cosmetics...is that what you do? but seriously,...Environmentally as a whole...the science of the soil, water and air and how we manage that for the ecosphere and human health is very complex...the fish part is relatively easy...hence the bird courses. for a guy working at Mcdonalds,..it may seem difficult or uadmiable...and dont get me wrong...Im glad you guys do what you do...although I have read many many studies and they are very flawed both scientifaically and from a self serving job preservation point of view. Im not even going to explain the higher level science,..becasue i dont think you will understnad. Ecology and fishery biology are not hard...you just have conflicting interests to deal with and have to choose when to sell out and when not to. I work in the alternative green energy development sector...new to North america...but gaining huge strides..Europe is doing well and Ontario is now the next leader in north america. Please just keep stocking my fish...so I can have fun...thank bud!!! by the way..Lose the chinooks, keep up the coho, steelhead, browns and atlantics I guess. so before making judgments,..either think or ask...
Cudz,...I totally respect your opinion,...mostly becasue of the way you said it. If I were you I wouldn't buy a pin either,..you need to be avid river fisherman to make the learning curve worthwhile....I really dont know where the notion of Centre pin guys use it for any other reason than it is more effective came about and I dont really care...I think the only guys that disagree are the ones that didnt have the patience to use it effectively....or just dont get it. I am the last guy that would use something becasue I thought it made me cool...geeez im on the river with a rod with a broken tip...and a jacket with gluestains all over it because i used it for construction on rooftops...and my sweater ,..the blue one..is 15 years old, the zipper doesnt work and its got perminant burrs lodged in it...oh also I have the cheapest chest pack money can buy...but inside is gold....if that is elitest,..i dont even know what I would call some of the other guys wearing $3000 worth of gear. cuz it aint me. To your last 2 points...You probably dont know you are flossing...but alot of guys do...and as for the centrepin working better for some guys,..its only because they took the time and effort to learn...and now understand how much better it is than a spinining reel for drifting...regarding the notty...I disagree bigtime...closer to 80% or more use pins... but then again its more of the catch and release guys. And to the last one...I had a very frustrating workday today and was punching walls and steel doors anytime i wasnt around co-workers....kinda wished I was on the river close to some big mouths that were here yapping a bunch of Bull!!! lol...not directed at you Cudz....but some of the name callin guys...GIDDY UP!!!!
When cousins marry....Lol...Hey dumbass,..why dont you re-read all the posts...or did you mommy leave for the night?....you know jackshit about me or where I fish...you inbred peice of donkey crap...the majority of my fishing has been on the notty..is that an eastern ditch? Yes I have an islander ...a relatively cheap rod,..cheap waders,..and a cheap old snow bloarding jacket....where the F do you get off assuming all the rest....because you took a half-wit sir sanford fleming course, that any moron could get into? then you had to move to Winnepeg to get a low paying job? i dont even know what pattagucci is....As for past Barrie....Well I spent the half of my time growing up north of huntsville as a youth...and still try to get up there as much as possible...so for the rest of your idiotic stements...Stuff it..
No way ..not on your life can you drift down more than 20' with a spinning reel the same as a centrepin...sorry,..B*. I agree on casting...no doubt there. your argument about elitest is also B*...recall i used to use a spinning set-up...do you think I changed becasue I think its cool? LMAO...give your head a shake!!! as far as reeling in...i can rell a 5" reel in faster than a soinning reel,..im not sure who couldnt. the only time a spinning reel for a float set up even come close is in the ditches....but landing the fish has less success,..and the topic of FUN hasnt even been introdcued,...isnt that what its all about...?
Bahahahahaha....this was the point of my original post into this thread,..and it turened into something retarded....I see the same thing all the time....
Just to clarify are you saying that you can drift down 100-200' and keep your line as tight with a nice presentation with a spinning reel as with a centerpin? also are you saying that spilt second you have to lock down and keep a fish out of the wood work is as effective with a spinning as it is with a centrepin? if so,..(which I dont beleive for a second)...and you have this skill...why do you own a centrepin...would seem redundant...and a waste of money for the truelly skilled anglers....your words seem to suggest only the middle of the road guys would use it...but spinners are gfood for newbies and the well skilled guys. please clarify
Exactly what I was saying!!!