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Posts posted by Paully

  1. Remember that parts of a fish count as a fish...by this i mean if you have the roe of two trout in your freezer, you have two trout in your freezer. This was added to the law to prevent people from removing roe of OOS fish.



    hmmm.. learn something new every time im on here..

  2. Why would I buy a truck???... I already have the ultimate truck!!! :thumbsup_anim::worthy:




    Wipe that white stuff off your lips if they start to pucker when you see this pic boy!



    Making up for "other" short comings are we?



    Nice truck anyways... I got a ford f150

  3. This same thing happend to me a few weeks back...


    No spare key..

    No way to get my spare tire down..

    I took my trusty drill out.. half way through the lock it fell apart..

    got my spare down..


    Now if anyone wants to steal my tire... be my guest, Its not the best spare you can own..

  4. I disagree with your whole statement


    most areas of a fishes face do not have the pain receptors nor the brain to feel pain from being hooked

    and you sure don't have to hurt a fish by a proper hold on them..there are studies on catch and release that will confirm that

    only P3ta morons think other wise

    and they paid for an independent study on hurting fish and it came back stating fish do not feel pain in most areas of their body and don't interpret it the way we do and to compare hooking a fish to hooking a dog is stupid



    Well said.... I totally agree

  5. Nice job on catching the pike. Just curious if they actually are good to eat, some say they are as good as walleye.


    If you fillet it properly (remove The Y bone) They really are good to eat.. almost like walleye.

    Just keep them small...


    FishCrisp and a few brewskies and your off..

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