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Everything posted by GaryJ

  1. Thanks to those who replied....Fishing for sheepshead was fun when I was a kid. Last time I was there, I recall a lot of Goby's too constantly harassing/stealing my worm.
  2. Haven't fished the area for a long long time...used to go to Port Maitland as a youngster fishing for Sheepshead/drums. Used bobber and worms. Curious if people still fish on the long pier.
  3. Thanks for the vid....going to go buy me some of them frogs for topwater'ing.
  4. Mid August can be difficult for fishing. Anyone have any tips for fishing the river [between South Falls and Trethewey Falls]? Ideal time of day, what to fish for, what to use (live bait/lures), techniques?
  5. Welcome to OFC
  6. For those who have proficiency looking at 2 strokes...what would they say is a reasonable price to get this motor running reliably? One marina said to me I was looking at a few hundred (without even looking at it or hearing it)...I hate the idea of not knowing what it's going to cost and then getting stuck with a big bill. That's why I'm considering going the electric trolling route and washing my hands of the outboard. I already paid $80 for a tune up and the guy said he cleaned it up...said there were bugs in the carb even. He said there was next to no oil in the lower unit which he fixed and the only thing he said was it running a bit hot. I had it running quite well for half of my cottage vacation. Never even took it out more than 1 km from the cottage - just in case I gotta row it back. It got a bit finicky after a few days and was harder to start.
  7. Would this charger be a good buy? http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/2/BatteryAccessories/BatteryChargers/PRDOVR~0111521P/Mastercraft%252BNautilus%252B15A%252BOnboard%252BBattery%252BCharger.jsp?locale=en Forgot to also ask since I don't go out that often, how do I protect the battery life if it isn't going to be used for six months or more? Should it be plugged in continuously or once a month or once a week? I was considering that solar charger to trickle power to the battery without having to plug it in.
  8. I currently have a very light 12 foot Portabote (less than 100 lbs) with a 2 HP, 2 cycle Johnson Outboard. Currently I only take the boat out once a year during my weekly cottage rental. The Outboard was tuned up last year but still isn't reliable enough for me to take the boat any significant distance at the cottage so I'm considering selling the outboard and getting a trolling motor. Don't need a lot of speed, usually only go out when it's fairly calm, I just want something that's reliable. Questions: > What kind of thrust do I need on the trolling motor (is 30 lbs enough). BPS has a Prowler for $100 > what else do I need to purchase besides a 12 v deep cycle battery (considering a Costco battery for $80). > Do i need a battery cover? > Is this solar charger at Cdn Tire for $10 a good buy/needed? http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/SolarPortablePower/SolarEnergy/PRD~0111894P/1W%252BPowersports%252BSolar%252BCharger.jsp?locale=en#BVRRWidgetID > Do I need a battery charger? http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/2/BatteryAccessories/BatteryChargers/PRD~0111506P/Motomaster%252BEliminator%252BIntelligent%252BBattery%252BCharger%25252C%252B2A.jsp?locale=en Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  9. Does anyone here fish the Wye River around Saint Marie among the Hurons? Are there any fish there? Used to fish here for Crappie when I was a kid (quite a while ago).
  10. Welcome aboard Richard. Used to fish Midland Penetanguishe Victoria Harbour when I was a little kid....
  11. Heading up to Cameron Lake for one week and don't have a boat at the cottage rental. Was wondering if there were any good shore fishing spots in the area that someone can help me with. PM me if you want to keep it off the boards. Thx in advance.
  12. Hi all, New member on the board and very long term lurker. Like to fish but don't find the time/have people to go with. Hoping to make meeting some new fishing fish friends. I live in Toronto and fish within 1.5 hrs (give or take) of the city - primarily shore fishing unless I buy a boat (which I might but it'll have to be something that doesn't take up my driveway space). I rent a cottage every year in the Kawarthas and will be looking for some tips/tricks/hot spots.
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