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Mark Mc

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Everything posted by Mark Mc

  1. Personally I would recommend Ande 10lb. I switched to it 5 years ago and have not had any problems so far. It costs alot less than many others and does just as good of a job. As far as line twists, I run a 2 swivel system. Float on mainline followed by a swivel, then a shot line with my weights, then another swivel, then 6lb drennan floro down to the hook. I find the 2 swivel system drastically reduces line twists while saving floats from snags, etc. In fact, I have used the same 3 floats for the last 3 years. As far as the 6lb mainline goes, yeah u might be able to land 30lb chinnies with it but it is going to take to damn long to land fish, thus making it ALOT harder to revive the fish if you plan on releasing it with the possibility of the fish going belly up down river because a lack of strength. Plus you're going to screw up other fisherman's drifts for a prolonged period of time. Anything more than 10-15 minutes max and you would get my line casted over top of it, until you get the hint or your line snaps, whichever comes first.
  2. I wouldn't say it as much as your set up as it is the location you fished. I fish the Notty at least couple days a week and Ivy is always a heavily pressured (which is why I don't fish there anymore) so there wont be as many fish holding there and the ones that are there have probably been caught recently so they would be a bit tight lipped and not wanting to hit. I fished the upper Notty today and did well, lots of fish around. Vis around 2ft with a nice green tinge to it. White, peach and red bags were the on colors today. Ya just gotta find the less pressured spots where the fish have not been touched recently (which usually requires a bit of footwork) and you should get into some. As long as ya learn something new that you didn't know last time you hit the river, you'll be better off next time.
  3. The guy does have "some" skill, when he feels he wants to actually play hockey, but FAR to often he completely crosses the line between hockey and being an . Smack talking players on ice about their personal lives and their wives and some of the completely bone headed statements he has made off ice gets him no respect from me. If the leafs would have signed him I would start watching more HABS games, and I hate the canadians.
  4. Sean Avery is an absolute disgrace to the good game of hockey. He, on a regular basis, has his foot so far in his mouth you can see it out his a$$. With his crap/smack talk he crosses lines all the time, wether it be 'typical french guys with visors runnning around the ice talking and not backing it up' or calling George Laraque a 'monkey', or yap talking about opposing teams players' wives, to his latest incident where he left his dressing room to confront a New York Rangers' Managment person so that he could crap talk to him. Avery need to be permanently knocked out of the game, cause it seems no one from the NHL head office wants to do anything about it. If it wasn't for his on/off ice antics he wouldn't even be in the NHL. He is trash and always will be.
  5. You ask for more pics and ye shall recieve; :thumbsup_anim:
  6. Thanks for the welcome guys and gals. You seem like a great bunch and I look forward to chatting with ya's. Clamp-it = no i do not know that area of Lake Nippissing, i fish around the callander/south shore area of the lake.
  7. Hi, my name is mark and I am a fishoholic. I'm 29 and have been fishing for about 24 years. There is nothing I love more than the peacefulness of standing in the Notty battling a big steelhead or drifting in the boat on Nippissing for tasty walleye. I've been fishing Nippissing for 24 years and drifting the Notty for 17 years. Come fall time I'm out on the river 2-3 days a week (which I wish could be 5-6 days). Nice Nippissing walleye My son with his first walleye The making of a fishoholic, my son's first trout at the trout pond And a beauty Notty chromer If ya see me out there, come say hi.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I like summer a bit but nothing beats fall and winter time. Especially when it comes to fishing the steelies. Heres a few notty chromers to wet the appetite for the upcoming bow season.
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