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Posts posted by Bondar

  1. My 14' is very stable , and never feel unsafe in it although common sense is Key ! stay off big water in high wind !!

    i have a pedestal seat up front and a 55lb bow mount and it hasnt thrown me in yet , Its a 14' Discovery wide and deep V hull , with flat carpeted aluminum floor and when i have another person in the boat i stand on the bench at the back by the motor as a casting deck as well , I fish out of that boat all winter in minus 20 degrees in the Niagara river And i feel plenty safe

  2. HorseShoe Lake near Cloyne or arden ??


    I got an invite from a friend to go fishing at his cottage on this lake hes not much of a fisherman , i'm having a heck of a time finding any information on it

    like what kinds of fish are in there , and if its a rocky or weedy lake

    i'm mainly interested in pickeral fishing its in 2 weeks so no bass fishing


    Thanks in advance for any info!! we will be boat fishing so maybe a place to try in a joining lake

    Thanks alot this is new area for me and i'm only there for one full day

  3. Some Beauty fish there :thumbsup_anim: i'm looking forward to getting out maybe this weekend





    I cleaned my 25 the other day, man thats a tough job



    Not sure if you do or not but i would suggest an electric knife for these things , makes life a heck of alot easier !!

    so i think anyway

  4. I finally convinced the Girlfriend to come fishing with me , She has never really been fishing before except from a dock with worms years ago and never caught a fish , So i figured Dunnville was our best bet for a for sure thing

    After finding a spot out of the high winds yesterday and rigging up it wasn't long until she hooked into the first fish of the day it was probably one of the funniest thing ive seen in a while when she saw the size of the fish she had caught it was about a 8lber


    and she even held it which surprised me even more

    after that she hooked the second fish for the day


    and 3 more after that she sure showed us guys up

    she ended the day with 5, i got 4 , and my dad got 4 as well

    Was a fun Day out just glad she got some fish because she probably wouldnt go again if she had gotten skunked



    maybe i can tell her i need twice the tackle now so she can come along :D

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