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About muskokamike

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  1. What a great group of guys and gals I met at Lakair. The wife and i had a great time. I cant believe i came in 6th place at the derby. The whole G2G was very well organized. T.J you the man! :clapping. This was the first time wifey and I got involved in a group G2G and it wont be our last.I want to give a special thanks to Spiel for cleaning that monster for me. I went out Fishing sunday at 5 pm for some walleye and i hook into this monster pike. It measured 38 inches without folding the tail fins. This thing went twice under the boat and took some line.I love the sound of the drag .When i finally got a look at what i had i almost sh,..;t. I coudnt see my lure and i didnt have a leader on.just fishing line comeing out of his mouth. The wife did a great job with the net. When she finally got it in the net she couldnt lift it into the boat,I quickly droped my rod and grabed the handle and hoised her in. I will try later to post some pictures. Thanks to all again for a great time.
  2. Mike and Cindy and boat makes 33
  3. Thanks rich & slowpoke. We will see you there. Hey slowpoke , is it the women that bite and the guys have no teeth or the other way around......lol
  4. Hi all fishermen\women.Brand new to this excellent board.Ive been reading all your posts about this pike derby and it sounds like a great time. Would you guys and gals mind if a newbie and his Mrs joined in on the fun. I have already spoken to Kevin about a tent site and he said it would be no problem. A little about me and the mrs. Myself i have fished since i was 7.Im now 51.Have cottage on lake Joe and fish lake trout and smallies.Work steady nites so all my future posts and replys will be in the wee hours of the morning. Have been on numerous wilderness camping trips and consider myself as a pretty good outdoorsman.Will be having my 27th aniversary on June 27th have 2 kids 1grandson,dog and cat. The Mrs who will be going by the name fishtale also loves the outdoors and fishing.She has been out fishing with me quite often out on lake joe and has done well.She can be pretty quick with one liners and has had me laughing lots of times. She said that this trip sounds like alot of fun. We would be checking in on thursday and leaving on monday if all is ok. Take care everyone and happy fishing
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