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About Ryan92

  • Birthday 07/29/1992

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    518 560 0780
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    Spending time with my family and friends having fun with my girl I am an LPN but I'm changing careers since the good new lately of being cancer free and gangrene free although I lost 3 toes I have to wait a month to go back to work after the last infection in my stomach subcutaneous layer and down to the muscle they put in a 16 inch hole goes in one big loop goes down and then deep to the muscle then up 16 inches to make another hole kinda like one golf ball sized two way rabbit hole I'm cleared the hole is about closed barley hurts used to pain like many others and I'm 32 been battling infections for years I see immunology I have some autoimmune problem they don't know what it's almost killed me a few times a year ago the cut into the wrist all the way through a mini saw my hand and arm were double the size and the skin was stretching marks showed that septic 105 fever they were honest we don't know if we can keep your hand or life the fever stopped when they cut the puss and rotting flesh out of me but nasty scars 15 surgeries in 32 months I haven't had much joy the leukemia was bad gangrene hurts more for sure. I'm finally ok cancer csn come back with my immune system they said just get looked at often. I am an avid outdoors man I love fishing anything from wild brookies in the adironadacks to tiger musky and ontario is a drive but worth it I will save the trout eggs I know honey holes streams river for 50 to 75 trout days never on a heavily fished section or river people as you know don't realize yes some trout don't naturally reproduce in certain environments but clean cold oxygenated water good water levels and flow abundant food nice places to spawn for browns and brookies in the fall rainbows in the spring and all it takes is a a few hundred trout that take to a remote stream with one little road crossing the stream that's over 26 miles long no fishing pressure wild trout with the mountains in view cant beat it but spring I am going once or twice to try for steelhead I studied my ass off I know of every known even little not stocked ontario streams which have dams which flood easier than others which have earlier spawning runs of salmon and trout in fall despite rainbows spawning in spring they follow those salmon like the browns but the browns spawn in fall too the rainbows I think do it for the food of course the eggs or any minnow nymphs easy meals. My friends don't fish and it would be cool to meet new people who enjoy what I enjoy being cancer free you just say screw it why not make a new friend I'm just a laid back guy need to laugh need to fish looking to go on a trip i have fishing fat kayaks two even three people more collaboration of knowledge better the fishing will be. Thanks

Ryan92's Achievements


Newbie (1/10)



  1. My girl won't even touch a worm in an lpn changing careers soon cancer then gangrene lost middle toes mot my big or pinky toe I'm healthy now looking for a future fishing friend to go with eastern and southern ontario name a day I did all the research I could I have fishing kayaks if need be fat kayaks rod holders so if your up for planning a trip I am laid back dude work is intense but I had all these surgeries I can't go back till may I have time weekdays are best but whatever works for you I have 20 honey holes in the adirondacks but ontario even in march april steelhead browns in many tributaries. I don't know rules but contact me let's talk 518 560 0780 ive been in a hospital on off on off now I'm cancer free gangrene free infection free nasty sacsrs only ones visible missing toes and my hand and arm. [email protected] or 518 560 0780 my friends don't like this stuff I've been fly fishing mostly spin fishing my whole life trout salmon in champlain lakers walleye remote brook trout spring fed lakes wild brookies that average 14 inches. Streams too that aren't stocked wild rainbows and brookies every year I hit it never seen one person fishing maybe a few people walking the 3 to 5 mile trail depending on where you park bug spray but I digress. When would you like to go shoot me a text or email I'm Ryan.
  2. Thanks for the kind words and advice are you in Canada I'm in the us and I hear of the every major southern ontario being fished I know northern ontario rivers spawning starts later of course alot of the inlets start in south western new york and heat up faster from what I have learned but if your used to or anyone is used to coming to the US waters even I would let me know I can plan a trip I cant work until may but thanks for the advice I would go with you in northern ontario and I'm a fly fisherman I spend most of the time not fly fishing I fished the bouquet river salmon run 7 years spring and fall most average 17 to 22 inches in spring with a few 7 pounders fall there are fewer but they average 5 pounds ive fished my whole life I would pick up on it fast I don't blindly go out and expect Moby dick. I studied the ontario lake species spawning runs bead fishing I can tie salmon sacks It would be weird if I couldn't in my 20s I would make my old flies I learned from a deceased family member and I know lake trout spots where 10 plus pounders are not rare pike grow big in certain large adirondacks lakes thr occasional musky in the saranac chain tiger musky in some lakes too caught them all the musky was only 38 inches but they are tricky. Walleye too clean clear water mountains not a person in sight again mainly western but some in the central adirondacks and some honey holes I caught a 7 pounder let it go that's big for any adirondack lake and those are spawners. I'm a trout salmon walleye fisherman but I like a challenge I just wish someone who wants to target the lakes in april was available. I need maybe a new girlfriend idk I think I need a girl who likes fishing but I'm just looking for someone to go with that's all my gear is set 12 test long rod leaders rigs eggs spawn plastic worms etc but after the rains and more right now coming things will be flooded at the southern end for a few days but I would wait and take a trip my friend that's no problem. Thank you
  3. I have fished my whole life and I couldn't fish for a year and a half well longer actually leukemia then gangrene lost three toes hand arms surgery stomach times left foot 3 times right twice and I haven't had much joy of course my family my girl but my friends do not fish and I have two fat kayaks with rod holders I've fished the adirondacks my whole life 1/4 fly fishing but I would like to try for steelhead in thr ontario tributaries this spring brown trout are around too of course lakers deeper off the mouths browns shallower walleye fishing i know heats up in late April early may on may of the inlets and mouths. Looking to plan some trips with some new nice people I've met on here. I'm 32 I have a house a pug a bull dog I'm an LPN for now but I'm changing careers and would like to plan a trip with anyone who's up for it I've never been but I have the tackle the line the high percentage bait of course I'm ready I'm cancer free so please no worries. My email is [email protected] and cell 518 560 0780 more like a beeper helps with work but I can't work for a month they want to give me time which I get so let's go on a trip talk about it see what the plan will be thanks. 518 560 0780 [email protected]
  4. Your pics are amazing I'm an adirondack fisherman trout salmon walleye lake trout are my main targets but anything I go for. I've been cancer free over a month gangrene free 3 months I lost three toes but that's life I've been cooped up my friends even my girl don't fish like me I never tried eastern or southern lake ontario tributaries for spring steelhead I studied got the gear learned the egg loop knot got the line everything water level clarity timing bait color to match everything is important of course I have two kayaks and I have a month until I'm allowed back to work I'm healed so I'm looking to fish and meet a friend who enjoys the same thing I enjoy nature the elements the challenge and reward. I'm Ryan I work at ellis hospital and I have a bulldog sarge. My email is [email protected] I would love to go fish and life is short I was 50/50 life or death i prepared and now it's weird I still at times forget I'm not dying. Making a new fishing friend in my opinion why not that would be great thanks for reading sir please send an email when you have time have a good day.


  5. Wow saw your pics amazing I fish the adirondacks i have my whole life I'm cancer free gangrene free and I've never fished the ontario tributaries for spring steelhead and browns around the mouths of the rivers. I've done my homework I have the gear I can help gas money anything my friends just play video games if they aren't working my girl isn't a fishing fan at all ..not a good sign... lol but if your maybe looking to fish in the near future anywhere but it seems like your a real expert I'm the adirondack pro lol always learning though I know I can learn from you sir and making a new fishing friend life's short why not. I'm Ryan I'm an LPN changing careers I have a bulldog and a black pug not married no kids yet just coming off the surgery last month stomach Penrose drain painful. I need to fish have some fun make a friend in the process why not in my opinion. My email is [email protected] thanks for listening sir have a good day.

  6. I have fished the adirondacks my whole life never been to southern or eastern ontario tributaries I know the best rivers timing rainfall clarity colors presentation are key and coming off beating leukemia having my middle toes amputed 10 months ago. My friends don't fish my girl it doesn't interest her I have two kayaks your welcome to use come may through September I know so many spots in the adirondacks region but the finger lakes have spring run rainbows in the thousands average 3 to 5 pounds some around 10 or more browns and lakers are huge in most of the finger lakes but those two places I can't work till may so I can fish even a couple trips making a friend who likes fishing is rare I have the same friends since college so that contributes. Let's plan a few trips and chat my email [email protected] thanks for reading.
  7. I am now cancer free lost three toes to gangrene but staying positive fished my whole life never on an ontario lake tributary and I have the tackle the high percent catch bait and lures for steelhead or some brown trout it's been hospital stay after hospital stay and I'm alive and not wasting anymore time my friends don't fish It would be great to meet some new friends and plan a trip or two I have two fat kayaks with rod holders anyone is welcome to use depending on location and I can go next week or any week in April I have a month before I return to work after everything I'm healthy as an ox still have to wait a month but I would like to plan some trips and I have experience alot. Just not in ontario tributaries my girl would whine and I could go alone did alot of homework and prep but even a few people getting together to fish for steelhead my first time would be fun I haven't had fun for awhile!!!!! Southern or Eastern ontario I'm up for it. Thanks for reading have a good day.
  8. Been cancer free 2 months lost some toes gangrene but I'm good I have video game addicted friends my girl always didn't like fishing not good I know. I have the gear everything for a day trip I'm laid back I share or give lures bait I enjoy seeing others catch fish and I'm looking to go to any of the southern eastern ontario streams I'm the loner in my family with fishing I have two fishing kayaks anyone is welcome to use I'm up for a trip to get even one steelhead would make the 3 hour 15 min trip worth it leaving at 2 or 3 am so anyone who was planning on fishing soon ive never been and too see these fish up close and make a friend who enjoys the outdoors the elements the challenge and the reward. I'm Ryan 32 battled leukemia gangrene a few times after all good now I live with my girl changing careers soon and I have a bull dog and a little black pug. Anyone looking to fish thr next few weeks I'm ready to go my email is [email protected] thanks for reading.
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