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About canadianboy

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  1. was thinking about getting a boat with this motor just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this in terms of reliability, performance, or gas mialege. any help is much appreciated
  2. had to bump this up to say has noone heard of the band anvil. they sort of made it big in metal in the 80's and metallica listed anvil as their inspiration and anvil could never get steady record deals or production its in their movie anvil: the stroy of anvil. i actually almost cried i felt so bad for them
  3. please we all know anvil is a better band
  4. they are renovating all of them i think its some government economic stimulus plan or something there was an article in the toronto star a few weeks ago about it
  5. obviously this is canada play some rep hockey. but with regards to french lessons you have to be so devoted i was trying really hard to billingual and reached a point where it was probably 2 years away when i was taught a complete different way of writing french grammer wise which made everyhting you learned before that wrong at this point i got fed up and quit. dont waste your money on lessons try to find free community ones to see if your son likes it first. also as for playing musical instruments saxophone theres 4 different saxes you can play just by learning one and can go from playing rock to jazz to classical
  6. stop having him play soccor and get him in to rep baseball you need not have played to join rep for your first year he will get to spend time with 12 other kids make friends play sports another three nights of the week. i played rep ball when i was a kid those are definatley some of my best memories
  7. sorry double post
  8. romeo y julieta not a bad price and it's all my brothr smokes and hes big into cigars i think they are around 10 bucks a cigar
  9. GCD could never catch a musky they just swim away when they see him without his shirt on
  10. i guess things we can all agree about is that at least sven robinsons out of politics miller has to go McGuinty HST???? PC's have no one better And that we should have 0 NDP seats in the house of commons
  11. ok im quite enjoying these valid points but lets face it almost all politicians take big kickbacks and appoint their buddy's in high paying positions. lets face it if i was pm and there was a senate seat open and my best fishing buddy was just fired from his job i would try to slip him in there. the part that annoys me is that almost all politicians take kickbacks to accept contracts for their departments example 400 needs to be repaved they might not tender offers saying that the company has an excelent track record and the work needs to be done asap the costs then explode to three times the original estimates the length of time of construction is double the estimated time frame to make up this money governments make people buy FISHING LICENCES and we all get screwed paying way to much income tax and we get stuck in traffic when we are all just trying to make it over to BPS
  12. sorry dara i have to correct you their is a new leader of the official opposition
  13. who knows what could happen it just aggrivates me that people will say they are extremly patriotic and will get all into for any national sporting (team canada hockey) event yet they cant just suck it up and do their civic duty and vote. we live in a country where i think we should sit back and reflect upon the fact over a hundred soldiers have lost their lives in the current mission and thousands before them in other military action to defend this country and our rights and we just dont show enough appriciation
  14. i apoligize to anyone this might insult and i dont mean to start a war or anything as i am seeing in other topics but just thought i had to say this with talk of a federal election i hear a lot of people complaining about having to vote! We are lucky to be able to have this right and to exercise however we chose. in other countries people dream of this and in this country we seem to treat doing our patriotic duty like a chore. We are lucky to live in such a great and free land stop complaining ps- not saying its anyone on OFC just the public in general
  15. terry beat me to it
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