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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Hi LD17, Here is a map of boat ramps on the Bay. http://www.fishingbayofquinte.com/maps/boat-ramps/ Cheers, Aron
  2. That is the same one I bought irishfield. And with the exchange rate, shipping & a small customs charge it was at my door for $244.67 Pricey for 8 pounds of metal but I was tired of looking and would be kicking my self if this year I flopped over and was hanging off my transom freezing my nads off. Here is the website: http://www.rnrd.com/ Cheers, Aron
  3. I have been wanting a low profile ladder which I can access from the water encase I ever fell out and I finally found one. If anyone has tried to climb in their boat wherein a wet survival suit in freezing water with out a ladder they can attest to the fact that is almost impossible. I find it hard even in the summer wherein my trunks to easily hop in. I stumbled on a photo on some Texas fishing board showing this eladder, did some research and found out the company. I had to order directly from them in Texas but it is exactly what I have been looking for. It has a pin on the side which you pull out to slide the ladder down. Thought I would share encase others are looking for this solution.
  4. Target: Panfish Location: The Bay Date: Saturday April 24th Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm Water Temps: 49-53'F Martycoo and I headed out to do some panfishing Saturday morning. It was a great day to be on the bay. Temps in the bay were 49'F in the main lake and up to 53'F in the shallows. Lots of turtles, beavers, and woodpeckers were busy enjoying the weather. We landed many blugils, pumpkins, perch and chunky rock bass on the floats, and of course a few bass and pike wanted to taste our tiny tubes. The carp were starting to hurd up also, so its going to be time to get out the corn. Thanks Mike for the good times. Cheers 9 inch Bluegil Chunky Rocky
  5. Thanks for the feedback. This was the first time shooting food and I felt rushed since I had to take the shots and run back up and continue cooking the rest of the fish. Once you add the club soda & egg to the dry ingredients you have to fry with it right away to keep the batter bubbly, which in turn creates a great crust. Aron
  6. Date: Jan 12th 2010 Location: Belleville Area Ice thickness: 12 inches Time: 7:30am-11:30am Lures: Jigging Raps & Swedish Pimples with minnow chunks I headed out Tuesday morning with my buddy, Jean Marc, to track down some jumbos. We fished the same spot I had gone to a week before. The first drop in the hole and we got a perch. Always a good sign. So we set up the hut here and were able to do really well for the first hour and half, but by 10am everything slowed down. We left the warmth of the hut and popped a few more holes but the fish seemed to have shut down. In the end we landed around 40 fish, and I brought 8 home to cook up. The meal I wanted to do was Tempura Perch with Rice and a Lemon Ginger sauce. I also wanted to take some photos of the plate in my white box, which is a setup I have for doing product shots. I have never done tempura before but it turned out quite well and as the recipe stated, if done right it wouldn't be oily at all. Also included are some shots from last Sunday when we headed out for walleyes at Mass. Pt but unfortunately they were not cooperating that day....although I did get a nice sunrise photo. Cheers, Aron The hut The Frozen Bay The keepers It's fry time! Tempura Perch with Rice and a Lemon Ginger sauce - Yes I watch too much FoodTV Close up of the Crunch Mass. Point Sunrise Flasher Action
  7. Hi Nitrox, I sent you a PM.
  8. Thanks. I picked up the strike indicators at Fishing Depot in Toronto about 2 years ago. The black pieces are just rubber blocks with a slit in them, they install in snap and really help with the light bite. Normally your looking for the rod tip to be pulled down but with this your looking for he bead to go up. The shrink tube ones sound interesting. aRon
  9. Date: Jan. 4th 2010 Location: Belleville Area Time: 1:30-3:30 Ice Thickness: 10 inches So I finally had some time to get out on the ice, well sorta of I only had two hours, but its better than nothing. Headed out to a spot that we had good luck with last season when going for perch...got to love GPSs. I was on my own, so dragging the 2 man Frabill was a bit of a cardo workout. I didn't have time to get minnows so I just used some Gulp with a jigging rap and some more on a swedish pimple. First fish was a dink then 10 mins later I had on a jumbo which I lost at the hole. I had some more taps then nothing for another 10mins when I landed the first jumbo which was 11 inches. The school must of been passing my hole every 10 mins becuase it would go off like clockwork. I'm glad I had the strike indicator on becuase even the big ones where just making it move slightly. In the end I landed about 20 fish in 2 hours with 7 being in the 11inch range, all were released, not bad for mid day and no minnows on the BOQ. The next outing will be a all day event and some of those tasty buggers will be coming home Sitting on 10 inches One of many 11 inch Jumbos Strike Indicator Lures of the day The Setup Cheers, aRon
  10. Went out today for a couple of hours to test out my new trolling setups, we didn't land anything but was a great day to get out of the office. The RSC linecounter reels are easy to use and feel really sturdy in your hand. In my 20 years of fishing this was the first time I actually trolled for more than 20 mins. I'm a die hard caster but thought I should add something else to my arsenal. So I picked up these setups and now I'm a trolling newbie I hope once I get my first fish it will become more exciting because just sitting there staring at the finder isn't that fun.....plus I end up eating more food just waiting for something to bite I also went into Victoria harbour and the shad were pretty thick in spots. This is what we were seeing a lot of, plus sometimes the hooks were 3 times this size. Notice the bait ball on the bottom This looks like crappie to me. Suspending and in a towering pattern. RSC Linecounter reel and Magnum trolling rod.
  11. Thanks Roy for the plug, Adding the finishing touches to the site, and just put up a contest with a sweet prize for all the Bay of Quinte walleye hunters. Cheers www.fishingbayofquinte.com
  12. Thanks for the replies. I'm feeling a lot better about next weekend. Cheers, Aron
  13. Hi All, Was wondering if anyone took notice of the water temperature when they were out panfishing this opener. We're heading out next weekend and want to know what to expect with the water levels and the temperature. Cheers, Aron
  14. Why even argue if we are causing Global Warming or not. If it gets people finally doing their part it works for me. This guy says it all and I doubt anyone could disagree...unless your a freak who doesn't care about the future and would like to gamble on every species on earth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI And yes I turned off the lights at Earth Hour and lite up a carbon-neutral beeswax candle and made sweet love to my wife on my organic cotton sheets while listening to music on my hand-crank radio. Oh I also harnessed the heat energy from our "activity" and charged my 2 trolling motor batteries Boo Ya! "We don't inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children"
  15. Wow thanks everyone, thats a wealth of info. I will take all that into consideration when I'm deciding what vehicle I should go with. Cheers
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