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Everything posted by smbhunter

  1. Only one lure eh?...hmmmmm.......I would have to go with a cotton cordell super spot lipless crank. I've caught drum, catfish, muskie, pike, walleye, perch, bass, crappie, even trout on the smaller sizes, and salmon. I always have one ready to go every time I go out, even through the ice.
  2. I'm a loyal guy so I have to stick with the shows I grew up watching like Real fishing, and In-Fisherman. Anything with Lindner is a must watch, every show he films is packed with very useful information. Newer shows that I enjoy are the Musky Hunter, Urban Outdoor Adventures, The New Fly Fisher and Fishing Alberta. I watch Fishing Alberta regularly now that my brother moved to Edmonton, so when I go visit him this year I'll be ready with locations and techniques. Honourable mention goes to Extreme Angler TV. A very informative show, but do they only fish for bass? Mind you I haven't watched very many episodes, but I don't recall watching one with a different target species. Is this bad luck on my part, or is it the norm? Finally, another honourable mention goes to Good Fishing with Babe Winkleman. I find this show both informative and entertaining. Is there any new 'Good Fishing' shows being filmed, or are these all older episodes?
  3. Hey bernie, tell your dad he's got a great location for the cottage, which I'm sure he already knows. I'm up there at least twice a year, spring and fall, so if you see a red and white Monark fishing boat, say hi.
  4. Some of you requested pics from my new member post the other day, so here are some from last year and a couple from this winter.
  5. Looked liked you guys had a great day out there. I'm hoping to get out on friday, I hope I have as much fun as you guys did. lol! I need to find a hill like that one.
  6. Great fish. Nicely done.
  7. Nice pike. Must have felt good to finally cast a line, even better to catch that nice fish. Good goin'
  8. Lots of good lure choices mentioned already, but one of my personal favorites is a lipless crankbait. You only need two colurs, silver/blue and gold/black. When choosing one of these lures, I always find it better to go with one that has a smooth, shiny finish and a loud rattle. The smooth shiny finish will reflect more light and get the attention of a fish from a further distance. Other lure choices would be, x-raps and husky jerks, sizes 10 and 12. Med to large Williams Wabler or Whitefish can be productive. Plastic baits such as large grubs, creature type baits, Senko's, and swimbaits. If all else fails, you can try a medium to large size minnow on a hook. Hope this helps and good luck.
  9. I would just like to say thank you to all for this very warm welcome. For those who like to see pictures, I'll try to get some posted as soon as I figure out how. lol! I'm not very computer savvy. As for Roger, you gave me alot to live up to buddy, I don't know if I can do it. Thanks to all once again.
  10. Hello to all! I just signed up to the board the other day, after constant nagging from Roger, (aka BPSBASSMAN) and having the privilege to meet lew on the weekend. So far I am quite impressed with the atmosphere on this board compared to some others. It's like an extended family here, which is great. I look forward to future discussions and all else that this board has to offer. P.S. Just kidding about the nagging Roger. LOL!!! CIAO Jason
  11. Hey Roger! It's Jason. I joined the board.

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