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Brian Wilson

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Everything posted by Brian Wilson

  1. Hey Rick: Thanks for the reply and your (always) helpful info. I'd love to get on Little Miss someday. With it being bigger water (than most of Air Dale's fly ins), you'd expect some bigger, fatter gators???? It looks like a great lake to explore... A 28 and 29 out of Apisabigo is impressive! By weeks' end last year I think we started to crack the bigger fish code. We'll test that hypothesis in a few short weeks. I may return with egg on my face, but still smiling from the entire experience. Good to know water levels are normal. Cheers and thanks again for chiming in.
  2. Rick--great report--thanks for sharing. Couple questions: how would you rate/compare Little Miss v Apisabigo in terms of a walleye fishery? And, how were water levels? Seems like everyone is reporting lower levels. We return to Apisabigo in one month. Thanks!
  3. It would cost a fortune to get that camp up and running again. It really went downhill in the last 10 years before it shut down. Really bad septic issues. I know the area well enough to take my boat up there in the future, via the Key. Last few years it's been deep enough to navigate. On my bucket list of things to do...
  4. Yes. Knew him for years. He was a good bloke.
  5. I was a regular at that camp for close to 30 years, beginning in the mid 70's as a boy, and as late as 2010. It was rugged for sure, but holding its own until the early 2000's, when the owner's health steadily declined, and the camp slowly fell into neglect/disrepair through no fault of his. He passed away a few years ago and it never really was re-opened. It is a fascinating corner of Georgian Bay as it meets The French, and it is littered with shoals like you would not believe. Having said that, I think I came to learn (and probably ding) about every one of them, and knew the area so well that we routinely fished at night. With few exceptions, we generally caught quality over quantity and had to work hard for our walleyes. But The Bay in that area holds HUGE eyes and pike and smallies. I've seen hundreds of 10 lb walleyes over the years, and some 11's-12's too. One morning in particular we landed 4 10 lb walleyes from my favorite honey hole there... I miss it and have great memories of that camp and the owner (he was a nice guy and a good chap).
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