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Matt C.

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About Matt C.

  • Birthday 02/25/1975

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  1. Getting hit in the chest with the piece off the drill press... that's funny.... and the hacksaw one... perfect! LOL
  2. Welcome to the board. I'm new as well and taking in as much information as I can. p.s Just when I thought it was spring.. snow in Chatham this afternoon again!!
  3. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I feel like I am in detention right now marking Math tests and working on my report cards. Don't get me wrong... I love my students and my job... I'll probably have boat questions tomorrow as I am going to be calling around to some places. Thanks again.... ...Matt C.
  4. Nice fish... nice pics... especially the close up of the fish head on.
  5. I just wanted to introduce myself as I have been reading your posts for a while now. I am impressed with the knowledge that everyone openly shares and your friendship for each other. Those are the two main reasons I am posting... and I don't want to work on my report cards. I am a Grade 8 teacher from Chatham who usually fishes from shore for perch and crappie in Lake Erie. I also always work fishing into the vacation when I go to Myrtle Beach, the Florida Keys or Manitoulin Island. This summer I think we are going out east for a few weeks. Thanks in advance for all the help as I am looking for a boat and I am certain to have questions over the next few weeks about that and other matters. Matt C.
  6. Ryan, I would love to learn how to fly fish. If you guys give me a time and a place I will meet up with you. This is also my first post so I better introduce myself a bit. My name is Matt Coatsworth and I'm a Grade 8 teacher in Chatham. I usually fish for perch (but catch sheepheads and gobies) in Lake Erie. I am looking into a boat to go out on St. Clair after bass and walleye. I've been fishing for a while but just now starting to get serious about it. Thanks for the offer Ryan. ...Matt
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