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Status Updates posted by GBW

  1. looking forward to a fun weekend and YES it includes fishing

  2. Fun fishing day on scugog tomorrow. looking for 20LB of bass for the win

  3. Decided to hit the local river to do some bass fishing for an hour or so and noticed some crappie... Lucky for me I had 2 micro jigs in my bag and I hooked into 2 very nice slabs! Decided to give them to the guys not to far away who were there to actually target them... Both were 13 1/2". Those little buggers are fun!

  4. Kids weekend, oh yeah...

  5. is going fishing with HUD later today, should be fun

  6. nice meeting you today Meely, enjoy the stuff!

  7. did I hear correct that LeBaron's is closing all stores?!?!?

  8. went down to the lake for a smoke and a cast and caught a keeper walleye 1st cast!

  9. I was waiting for Donald to get pissed and tell her to "blow me" at the end there.

  10. one under the slot walleye today, that is all

  11. Well E and I may have not landed a fish today but we did spend time ripping all over the lake looking for ANY weeds. All and all a good day.

  12. Have a happy father's day all

  13. daddy and daughter weekend, sadly not fishing, she's got a dance 'thing' in Bowmanville tomorrow

  14. Congrats to all the grad's this week!

  15. what's the worst part of depression and anity? Depression and anxity.... Don't let it win to those dealing with it like me

  16. Happy Canada-eh!

  17. Rick, I'm blaming our chat the other day on me now being sick... ha

  18. Hey Lindsay locals, I'm heading to the river for a bit (@4pm) for a quick fish, WFN hat, say Hi

  19. man it sure was crowded at the river today, sucked!

  20. 1 hr 45 min, 10x crappie landed and 2 RB and 1 b gill. and I watched a guy get greased out of his spot by an uber douch!

  21. so confused... but what else is new...

  22. aweekend off and it's not a kids weekend, whaaaaa?

  23. I think it's time to travel and check out "the brazilian" ASAP!

  24. a HUGE "shout out" to my buddy ecmilley for his help today fixing my truck!!! Thanks again BUD!!!

  25. Just seen some great clearance deals at Can Tire of some good reels, like a Shimano Saros for $99

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