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Everything posted by plankroad

  1. Here is what I sent to the Rice Lack Tourist Association about the pumped storage proposal: All: Having spent 30 years in the power generation business (including extensive involvement in the largest pumped storage hydroelectric project in the US), I can shed some light on the proposed plant and why it it will fail on basic economics. This would be about a $1 billion project, if not much more, with incredable construction risks due to the need for extensitive underground construction. With pumped storage, the differance of day and night power pricing needs to be at least a consistant 40 percent which I don't thing there is, and that's just to cover power costs and not evening tuching the capital costs. Pumped storage is not a "renewable" resource like convential hydroelectric power and shouldn't have any special treatment for licencing. In fact, the cost is so high (unless there are connections that allow this guy to rape the environment) that wind power makes a LOT more economic since, but interest appears low. Our area for wind power is great for all the things professional power developers look for. All this said, if this really starts developing, RLTA needs to be represented and I will do the representation. I probably have more experience with pumped storage and power generation than anyone else that is involved in the process. I can't think this will go very far but if it does, let me know so I can put my self in the middle of this mess and turn it in to a real mess! Brian Plank Road Terry, give me a call, but if the winter keeps up we will be ice fishing on Rice Lake!!!
  2. Before you go nuts on changing engines, very expensive, check how things work now, if it is too fast, there is an idle adjustment that would slow things dowsn, the turn of a screwdriver. If that is too fasr, think of a new propeller for about $130 with less pitch. It will probably be less top speed but idle at a slower boat speed. If the new prop doesn't work, sell it and the motor!!! I hope this helps! Brian
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