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About ottawaguy

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  1. I would not trust the lund sport track brackets with my muskie gear either, I did once, not again. The bottom plastic part that makes the tee broke while trolling with a small bait once, I was able to grab the rod before it went over. I now use traxtech ( http://www.traxstech.com/T-Bolt_Bracket.html ) with a Folbe rod holder ( http://www.folbe.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=51 ) . I use the rod holders on 12 inch trax and a manual downrigger on a 18 inch one. The boat I am using is a Lund 1625 rebel xl ss. If you have any questions let me know.
  2. You will enjoy the iPilot on your Rebel, I do. I also have a 1625 XL SS, last spring I picked up the minnkota as soon as I could get a hold of one. I installed it and ran new wiring for the 24 volt system including this ( http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/accessories/marine/circuit_breaker.aspx ) the ciruit breaker and this ( http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/accessories/marine/plug_and_receptacle.aspx ) the plug. Make sure to get the "MKR-18A allows for 6-gauge wire connection" part that allows 6 gauge wire to be connected correctly. I have two optima batteries in the spot where the one was for the original trolling motor. iPilot is great for a lot of things, I can get the boat up to 3.5 mph and it lasts more then a couple days fully charged. Last year I barely used my 60 merc at all, having to much fun with the trolling motor. If you have any questions let me know.
  3. I have a 2008 Lund Rebel 1625 XL SS, side console, it is a very stable boat and is wide enough at 84 inches. The non XL version of the Rebel is narrower. You can also get the boat now in a tiller version. Great boat for fishing as well as bringing the family and friends out. If you would like to know more about the boat PM me. Below is some info on the 1625 XL http://www.lundboats.ca/boats/2010-lineup/rebel-boats/1625-rebel-xl-boat http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21036 http://www.boattest.com/Partners/Partner-Main.aspx?lp_id=3211169&t=BOAT-TEST&Videoid=2250&p=0&s= http://www.boattest.com/Partners/Partner-Main.aspx?lp_id=3211169&t=VLIBRARY&Videoid=2150&p=0&s= http://www.boattest.ca/test/229/2009-lund-1625-rebel-xl-ss.html
  4. Thanks guys for the help. I did find two in Ottawa, one in Bells Corners and the other by Princess Auto. I called each Benson Auto Parts till I found them. I did not know that there were so many. Thanks
  5. I found them and will be charging tonight ready for Saturday AM. fishing with the kids Does anyone know where I can pick the lager MULTI US 7002 version. I know that CanadianTire sells the 3000 version but I am looking for something with a little more power. Around the Ottawa area would be great. I checked there website and the other supplier here in Ottawa does not carry them. I am trying to pick a couple up for this weekend. Thanks
  6. I found this being discussed at the MuskyHunter forum: http://www.jasonhalfenoutdoors.com/iPilot2.html
  7. I plan on attending the boat show in Feb. thanks for the reminder. I would like some none paid comments on the iPilot system if anyone has any water time with them if possible.
  8. I bought a curado 300e last year and a st. croix LTM80MHF / TOP-N-TAIL. With that combination I can cast all day long. The curado can handle big fish.
  9. This is my first post at this great site. I checked when I joined, way back in Feb of 2008, long time lurker, now for my question, Has anyone used a production iPilot on a Powerdrive or Terranova? Comments on how well it followed a saved track. Can you slow down the speed when following a recorded track. I will be upgrading my current trolling motor if it works well, but I have not been able to find out much information on the internet so far. Thanks
  10. 1973 plymouth
  11. Thats the exact setup I have, it works great for trolling and will cast if you have too. http://www.stcroixrods.com/rods/default2.a...mp;section=spin PGM80HM, with http://fish.shimano.com/publish/content/gl...nal/tekota.html 600LC
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