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Reef Runner

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Posts posted by Reef Runner

  1. Good job Cliff and a dandy fish. If you could be hitting the bottom in 25fow, how fast are you retrieving those cleo's? Are you letting it flutter, short retrieve, flutter? or constant?


    I haven't had any luck on spoons yet this year, and so are the other fisherfolk I talk to, just wondering if you are using a specific retrieve to entice them chinny's.

  2. Congrats on your first 'ski, and at 41" to boot.


    I do some solo fishing now and again. Preperation when out on your own is key! Not only must you ensure you have all the proper release tools, but more importantly, they should all be in easy access. I'll have the pliers and hook cutters in my pocket. Net, not blocked or tangled with any other objects.


    For pics, take a couple testers with time delay before you head out so you can figure out where to stand on the boat with your catch. You could have a mount, but I just rest the camera on the consol or on top of my tackle box.

  3. Totally not spam. Good on ya Dave for putting this together! Sounds like a great event is in the works! Donations through the internet would be the most cost effective way of starting a fund. I don't know how to set one up, maybe someone with that experience can give you a hand.

  4. T. Boone Pickens, a least he's trying to put forward a solution, and his own money. That I can commend. Might have never stepped up, if he didn't stand to profit from this venture into the billions of dollars. Of course, this is addressing the US's energy problems.


    As for Canada, energy "independence" is an issue non-grata, not much talk of it on the campaign trail. As holdfast has mentioned in another post, Canadian gas retailers are really taking advantage of the "Shock doctrine" of economics. Start-up wind farms are being blocked with lengthy and expensive environment assessments that only large energy suppliers can afford, turned away in bidding for government contracts and when finally they have enough investors to start a project, have resistence from the bigger energy suppliers to tap into the grid. We have the second or third largest resevoirs of dirty crude in the world, oilsands are only profitable when gas is over $35 a barrell, but little to none refinning capacity and supply chain troubles that see areas in Alberta that pull gas out of the ground not have enough to pump in thier trucks.


    Energy and it's role in the Canadian economy should be a big issue in this election. But the pollsters, pundits and politicians are more focused on the retail aspect of politics that highlights personalismo, knit v-neck sweaters and all, over policy.

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