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  1. I wouldn't guess a muskrat's skat to be this large, no?
  2. Foxes are also omnivores? Most of the pictures I've found of black bear skat are piles or droppings, not a single log like this. Also, from what I've read, carnivores also eat grass to supplement diets when meaty prey is scarce (aka winter). Really curious as to what was around.
  3. Had a visit over the March break to the in-laws in the Ottawa River area and was able to do a bunch of ice fishing. Was lucky enough to have 12-18" in their bay. Anyways, long story short is I woke up to go fish one morning to find a decently sized piece of animal scat in the middle of my set of holes. Something obviously was out picking up the dead minnows, picking up my scent, etc. Anyways, I'm no hunter or animal expert.. so what kind of animal scat is this? They're in Renfrew County so there are bobcats, coyotes, wolves, black bears, foxes, etc. We've seen all of these on their property over the last few years. It was all grass from what I could see and was roughly 5-7" in length. Any insight would be great! TIA James
  4. Thanks fellas. Appreciate the insight!
  5. Thanks Woodsman. Maybe not worth the investment for a decent Kayak then. Appreciate the responses!
  6. You believe eyes are deeper than 25ft during feeding times? How deep are you thinking during the day?
  7. Thanks for the input! I feel safe within a KM of shore. Growing up around the area I know there're enough calm days to make it work. I won't be heading out there with any kind of significant swells. There are enough ponds/rivers around to explore during that time. I'm assuming I'll find walleye out there morning/evening around 15-25ft. Throw a jig and minnow down there or troll for a bit and see what happens. Thanks all, James
  8. Hi All, Just moved to Grand Bend on Lake Huron. Live close to the beach and have been thinking of getting a kayak for beach access fishing/launching. I enjoy walleye fishing and am wondering if anyone knows if there are walleye in the area? Navionics makes it seem pretty likely but just wanted to check to see if there are any Grand Bend guys on here! TIA James
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