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Posts posted by nautifish

  1. I guess that is why I LOVE living on a farm....well a couple of weeks ago 20 bikers went by on our lil farm road...Big event out here! Way to many people for me, maybe you need to get away that weekend!


    To bad to hear about the losses, ruins everthing! I think my brother was worried if my mom got flooded, he would have to move my moms cookie jar collection! She has over 150 of them!


    As for me I love to barbeque all year long! But nothing like an open fire at a camp....And of course cooking fresh fish on the pit!





    think my brother was worried if my mom got flooded, he would have to move my moms cookie jar collection! She has over 150 of them!



    lol Lorrisa my mom has over 600 dolls all collectibles. My dad before he retired used to bring her one home every time he came back from a work trip where ever he was in Europe at the time. She has two rooms that are just bursting with dolls every where....lol


    As for the bikers there great allways been a fun weekend when the bikers have been in town. I have all my rooms booked got eight in total staying here plus a family camping out back.....lol.....May have a few others yet too......But its going to be a fun weekend i for one am looking forward to it. :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Catchin is better than not, the last picture is cool...



    Could not agree with you more. ;) .....& i like the last pic also just a little niffed it is not a very clear image. :rolleyes: Would have made a great photo framed and put up on the wall in my den. :D

  3. Glad to see you got out Tracy!


    What a beautiful Sunset and fish too...


    Is it not wonderful living in paradise??


    Great Report







    Is it not wonderful living in paradise??


    Ya know jen i do not think there is anywhere else i would want to live. Having travelled most of Europe nothing seems to compare to port dover. Don't get me wrong some very beautiful and breath taking places in Europe. But to have a fresh water lake with such vantastic fishing a great beach good bars and resturaunts spectacular sunsets and all right on my very own door step its hard not to love this little town. :D

  4. A simple lil Hi to all.......


    Hope everyone is enjoying the summer, firing up the grill and all is well....


    Had a bit of a scare last week as my mom and sister live in Coffeyville Kansas where they had a horrible flood and bursted open one of the oil refinerys vats...Missed them by 3 blocks....and there side of town is the highest part of town.....They are being well taken care of....


    Have been fishing here and there every chance we get, hubby caught a nice 7 lbs bass just before season...

    Of course no camera! Sure hated to throw it back!

    We are trying to plan a couple of days soon of going out and throw the tent up do a lil fishing and watch the stars....Wanting to find a new spot though, not in a provicial park either....Any Ideas?


    Drop a line about your summer adventures.....anxious to hear! :Gonefishing:




    A hello to you also lorrisa. Yes have been fireing up the grill everyday since march actually. I love to barby.

    My mom & dad reside in the UK and they too have had some terrible floods in there erea the worst on record to date but thankfully they are okay as is there home but i do know some people have had a great loss. It has done nothing but rain for the last few weeks in the yorkshire erea of england. Here we are hot & very very dry desperatly needing rain and they are getting to much rain.


    Have fun on ur camping trip am hopeing to get away myself next month camping and fishing. July is a crazy busy month here in dover this yr what with canada day last weekend we have pottahawk this weekend and then the real big event friday the 13th here in town next weekend. They are estimateing over a hundred twenty thousand people and over one hundred thousand bikes. Its soppost to be a one day event but because this one is falling in july it will probably start thursday and go right through to sunday if the weather stays beautiful.

  5. Nice report jen......I wish i could get my lads out more but only one left at home now and my daughter resides back in the Uk so that makes it somewhat difficult....lol........Ahh how i miss when they were your boy's ages........ ;)

    Looks like you all had a blast......... :thumbsup_anim:

  6. lol Tonyb you poor thing. & yes its a smallie...... ;) We were catching one fish after another and like i said a shame no big size to any of them but what the heck there still fish right?.....lol

    Tonight am heading out on the lake for some perch am having a big fishfry next month so need to get some more in my freezer. Been nagged at all yr by freinds and family when i am having one........ :blahblah1: lol ;)

  7. Well myself and mr sinns decided to head out for a few hrs and fish yesterday evening at a local spot here in town & a beautiful one it was. The bite was on in total i caught 14 scrappie and mr sinns landed 4 SM AND 2 LM PLUS a pumpkinseed and also eight scrappies. Shame there was not too much size to most we catched . This is the biggest scrappie caught of the evening.




    Here is just one of the smallies that mr sinns landed.




    Here is one of the two LM he landed around a pound and a half.



    It was a beautiful eveing as the sunset








    Also took this shot of two guys out fishing in a canoe on the lake with the mist sitting over top of the water. Would have loved for this picture to be a bit clearer i really got to invest in an extra zoom attachment for my cam.



    So in all a fun evening of fishing just wish the d**n mozzys came out in the winter and not through the summer. They were so thick last night they could have carried you away.....lol :rolleyes:

  8. Well i just wanted to say a early happy canada day to all you ONFNER'S out they're.....I am sure many of you like myself have much planned....I am 1st having a big yard sale in the morning then will be heading out to fish the rest of the day. Sunday pretty much the same thing fish as well as monday... :D .. :thumbsup_anim:


    So i hope you all enjoy the festivities no matter where you are & have a fantabulous weekend :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


    Nautifish :D

  9. From ZippyVideos.com...

    How can I download a video to my computer ?


    Unfortunately this isn't possible at the moment.


    There may be a way to capture it using a program, check out this link:




    Disclaimer: Not responsible for any problems caused by these programs :lol:

    lol Tony...This really sucks its actually one of my favs from last yr...It had to bloody be this one diden't it...sheeshhhhhh..shakes head sighs....I will check out the link and thanx hun. ;)



  10. once asked a yorkshire man the difference between a camera and a welly (rubber boot) and the reply was,,,,,,,


    one takes photos tuther takes five toes,,, :wallbash:




    :blink: lol I know many yorkshire men jokes....lol




    Bloke in a lift


    A Yorkshireman walks into a building and gets into the lift. He presses the button for the fifth floor. At the second floor the most stunning woman he has ever seen gets into the lift and leans seductively against the wall.


    The Yorkshireman doesn't know where to look and starts to get very nervous. The woman begins to unbutton her blouse and throws it on the floor. She then takes off her bra and throws it on the floor. At this stage the guy is getting very nervous.


    Then she says: "Make a woman out of me".


    He unbuttons his shirt, throws it on the floor and replies, "Here, iron that." :D

  11. My Dads side of the family is from york my uncle is still there i was there once on a layover in the Navy the birds are very friendly there I would like to go back with the family really enjoyed myself there. Liked curt castle and the minster



    Blimey biteme...I aint heard that phrase Bird in yrs......LOL....Used to bloody hate it too.... :P

    I lived in a small village between york & selby called Riccall. Did you do the micklegate run? and did you do any of the clubs once u finished the run?

  12. You are getting me all excited................Pub crawl in York.......ginger snaps.


    I have cousins in Newcastle.


    Maybe we will have to chat more on a swill night. Damn, we may even be related............ :w00t:




    lol John........You know york then i take it and what i mean when i say micklegate run. :thumbsup_anim:


    Lol @ related......now woulden't that be sumthing./.......... :w00t:

  13. Ahh i know Darlington well have a grlfreind that lives in that neck of the woods. My baby sister lives in newcastle which is close by as you know...........The yorkshire dales are beautiful actually the Karwarthas remind me alot of yorkshire......As for chasseing lasses and drinking beer nout wrong wit that! ;)


    I gotta admit though i really do miss doing the micklegate run every weekend in york after the york races. Use to do it every wednesday and saterday ...AHH!! I miss the English pub atmosphere for sure, AH!! THE GOOD OLE DAY'S.....LOL :thumbsup_anim:


    I myself am more of a gingersnap or rich tea bicky kinda gal! ;)

  14. LOL Doug.....Why EHYUP i have read that before & i aint keen on sticky bickys...... ;) with me tea!


    Nothing worse than when the break off into ur drink.....EUUWW!!!....lol


    Theres a fishNchip shop in yorkshire called Harry ramsbottom.....lol.... ;)

  15. Well i thought i would add this hear hopefully make atleast a few of you smile......lol...I lived in Yorkshire for 16 yrs and my folks and two of my younger sisters also reside there. My mom was just over for a surprise visit for my grandads 80th birthday in which we had a big surprise birthday bash for him at my place......


    Anyway not sure of there are any yorkies in here but what the hell.........






    Nauti. :P

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