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About OffsideGuy

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    Huntsville, ON

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  1. If you ever have a chance to see the bony plates on the ithsmus, it's actually quite easy to identify them. They are dark in colour on white skin. When you move the operculum (gill plate) out of the way they are right there in the "chin" area. You can also feel them when you run your finger over them. I've only ever seen one in the wild and a few in captivity. Most of the time Florida gar aren't as vibrant in colour as spotted gar are. Not that you can go by colour, but it's a start.
  2. Good ol' sunset country! Great little vid. Was that on Wabigoon?
  3. Just want to know if anyone has an idea what the population sizes are and if anyone has seen large individuals. Not asking for anyone's spots.
  4. I just bought my first boat (16.5 princecraft tiller.) and new to the area. Moved back to Ontario last summer from out west and joined this forum. Haven't had any posts because I haven't had anything to post about. Hoping to get on the water after work later in the week. Anyone have any updates on where the walleye and crappie populations are at on Vernon? MB
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