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About rowingsunny

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  1. The way I look at it is there is no harm in trying to save yourself a few bucks and the dealer will never sell you anything they are not going to make a profit off of. So if the trailer is $800, I would start by asking for your spare and bearing for $700 all in CASH and then start negotiating from there. It's alot easier to save some doe if you offer straight up cash. Worse thing that happens is that you still walk away with a $800 trailer. Just my two cents Cheers
  2. I have a dalmation and he has been sprayed twice and I know what you mean when you say you gagged. First time I was out in a field throwing a ball and he ran off and chased it and lost that battle. I had to tie him in the back of my pick up and back it into the driveway and use the bed as a bathtub with the garden hose. I used tomatoe juice, skunk off shampoo followed by head and shoulders shampoo and then a final rinse with toothpaste and that seemed to work. Good luck
  3. Thanks you very much for the offer ecmilley, I have already commited my $250 and ordered the part. But thanks for the offer once again. If i run into anymore more problems I will defiantly have to pick your brain. Cheers, Sunny
  4. I brought my truck into a mechanic and he diagnosed the problem for me. They initially thought it was just a cable that initiates the front tires and it would have been a $100 repair but when he looked into it further he found out it was the transfer case module. Which is apparently a common problem. I just went onto ebay and was able to find brand new one from the states for $244.00 CDN, that is cheaper than what the wreckers were charging $250 CDN but they didn't have the correct product number. So thank you very much marty5898 your suggestion helped a whole lot!! Now I will have 4X4 once again!! Cheers, Sunny
  5. Hello Everyone, I have an 05 Jimmy and my differential lock up computer is shot on the stupid thing. It is a little computer that is located on the passenger side just in front of the door and it engages the 4x4. For me to order a new one from GM I am looking at $1000. I am trying to locate a used one but with no luck as of yet. Since mine is the last year they were in production it has to be certain part number. That part # is 12577412. I have tried all the wreckers in the niagara region, do you guys know of other wreckers I could try or maybe another solution. Much appreciated, Sunny
  6. I remember doing the same trip with my brother and dad when I was twelve and it was a lot of fun. We camped it from Ontario to BC usually staying in KOA campgrounds. I noticed for Saskatchewan you dont have anything listed yet. We stayed right at the RCMP recruit depot. They have a campground right on sight and they offer full tours. I think it would be something your kids would find interesting. Enjoy the holidays
  7. I stand corrected.
  8. Hey there L2P Great Story you posted as for your scale that you managed to pull out of the water. To me it looks like you have may snagged your lure on a turtles shell. I used to have a couple turtles and when their shells would peel it would look just like that. Cheers Sunny
  9. LOL, that's funny the gentleman who runs the bait shack up there gave the same advice when I called him to ask him how the ice was. Have you had much success ice fishing on colpoys?? I have caught some pretty nice rainbows in the summer there.
  10. Thanks Taper I think we are going to try out chesley lake next weekend. I will be sure to post the outcome of it. Cheers Sunny
  11. Hi my name is Sunny and I am fairly new to this fishing board. I do quite a bit of fishing on beford lake, colpoys bay, cooks bay and spots around the niagara region fishing mostly for bass, pickerel, pike, perch and some trout. I have a cottage in the wiarton area and I have never iced fished up there. Curious as to if any one has ice fished on colpoys bay or know of any other good ice fishing spots close by. I look forward to any feedback. Thanks Sunny
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