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Posts posted by BLACKFISH88

  1. because he said it at the end of the fight not me and if your a fan i'd think you'd know.I just find it funny how they hype it all up with highlights of asswhoopin then they dance around like they are square dancin I don't know sure he'd beat me up but I've never trained but I know a good fight when I see one.....

  2. wow hope cro cops leg will be sore for the rest of his life im sure and think there may be a splinter on his neckbone because it sure looked like he was close to death in that bout!!!!!One more panzie fight urlavski might better put on tjs tutu and go fishin. bisping was a totally wicked fight best fight of the night that i seen missed the first fight.

  3. point being the net is probably stretched from one side of river to the other so there are small spawners as well as big ones but they will not be able to get to the spawning grounds since they are practically doing this at the mouth of the moira so be it big or small they will not get through these nets = less spawning fish and there are walleye here all year I caught them everytime I went out last year didn't keep them all either but the fish are there if you know where to get them. I fear that this year will be different time shall tell.

  4. well usually the tyendinaga police shows up for a bit never seen him check anyone for credentials and roy your prolly right there are people in there who are not native and nowadays they are so mixed you can't tell unless they show a status card which I'm sure just doesnt happen. They tried to give one to my brother the other day was a 10lber plus he didnt accept it and they said well it will just bring us more money when we sell them.......they were using hoop nets or gill nets not take A fish from the water net like anglers use

  5. Well I recieved a call this morning and my brother said that the natives were on the Moira river last night and instead of the traditional spearing which I have no problem with, they were using nets increasing their pull of giant walleyes from the fishery. It's almost like I am grieving for a good friend I have never seen them attempt to put a net in the river, in the bay yes but not in the river this will put a stranglehold on spawning walleye this year. Sad day indeed......

  6. WOW!WOW!WOW!DRUEL!DRUEL!DRUEL! jeez I now have a new hero! I think you know who it is MB. LOL!what a monster that second last one was, and what journalistic prowess you have I came home for lunch and didn't see it till it was almost time to go back to the salt mine and left work a lil early just dying to get back and read the rest. Cheers!

  7. Ok guys thanks for the help had a friend told me when he saw it to not worry it was just the o ring around screw but I've seen guys have problems with bottom ends firsthand and know that it can be costly repairing. So I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best. if anyone else thinks different continue replying by all means.

  8. ya oil looked fine it wasnt white in the fall. was hoping that it was maybe just the seal around the screw itself where is the seal that you mentioned located on the prop? If there was water in there now it should still be in there if its thawed correct?or no? casting looked fine only oil was from fill screw

  9. Went out and had a look at my boat and it looks as if oil has leaked from the fill screw in the bottom end is this bad I'm worried there was alot of pressure in there and it may have done more damage just wondering if anyone has had this happen before? When we checked the oil in fall it was fine didn't put fresh oil in got lazy and it was not really winterized. It was left to someone else who after I had called a marina and had got a price of a measly 60 bux to do . He said dont worry I'll do it, no excuse but damn I hope it's gonna be alright.

  10. this sounds like my life (20 years later than yours )or ten no offense.although it was later and I know I am younger but also was up at 4 and 5 to put together my toronto stars rode my bike to deliver them and carried the paper bag on my forehead !you flashed alot of memories in my head with what you've said. My grandfather made me a cart for winter with wheels and for anyone who ice fishes we all know how well wheels work in winterthey were worse (smaller)than lawnmower wheels ,but none the less it did work because I made it work. I look back on my grandfather because he taught me how to make this work with determination and perserverance which nowadays is hard come by. I'm just glad I can pass the same tradition to my girls and my family that I had and I hope they will continue to do the same.

  11. oh lord there he is i promise not to horse him and will try to land him properly with my double oversized no hurt muskie net and my barbless hooks that shall be seen in muskie heaven and please let the fish that i release live to spawn some more eaters for me to catch and also for the lil perch and the crappies bless this

    pan with butter and garlic amen!!!

  12. UFC needs yellow cards for fights like Diego vs. Kos .

    These guys train for months for that one fight , if they come and stall , then they should stay home on the couch . The fight is organized so that the fighters can prove that theyre superior . Waiting for the other guy to make a mistake should result in a loss of points.

    this is a very good idea I think they might better have been wearing dresses in there.

  13. I think the undercards were the best fights they have nothing to lose I think these guys are too worried about reps and stats than just gettin it on. After they have actually done something it's almost like they are too afraid of losing... diego almost was in boxing mode little too much time with de la hoya???That fight couldve went 12 rounds the way those panzies were dancing around each other I thought they both disgraced the sport and all the training they had done. imho one of the worst mma fights I have seen.I think gsp just made a mistake footwork looked funny something was up with him I think.

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