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Posts posted by BLACKFISH88

  1. Stupid things like this happen for a reason.( I'm not aying they don't happen for no reason, either)

    I'm not saying you did something to deserve this.But...maybe if you look back, you might have ticked off some kid ( not hard to do) maybe you might be able to remember some ticked off teenager ( not hard again )


    think back, it may come to you.

    I would'nt wish this upon anyone.I'm gald nobody was hurt.

    Hopefully they get caught!!!

    And get the book thrown at them.

    This is assult IMO.And they should be charged, as such.With a firearm!!

    No I'm sure I was just randomly selected they were driving the opposite way towards me.

  2. Was out picking up my oldest child tonight with my wife and my youngest child in the vehicle. On the way back not far from my house we went past a van and boom boom I knew what it was right away the van that went past shot two paint pellets at my vehicle one on my windshield and one about two inches away from my rolled down window. WOW the odacity of people if that would have hit me as close as they were I'm sure I would be at the hospital getting stitches right now or worse, if it hit my children or my wife I don't know what I would've done.... :whistling: They better hope that I do not see this vehicle again. :jerry: sorry for the rant. Called the cops they said they would check it out but haven't heard anything from them so they probably got away with it.

  3. Canadian beer eh? Well definately better than American beer, however I find the popular big 2 (Labatt, Molson) to be a NATIONAL SHAME.


    I like Moosehead, most of the honey browns especially sleemans, Coors if u can consider it canadian since they merged, I dont like Rickards at all. I like Lakeport, I havent tried too many Canadian beers I tend to stick with European or tropical flavors.

    ^^^^^Now this man knows his beer Moosehead for sure Sleeman honeybrown and I also enjoy a heineken every once in awhile as for the cheap beers I enjoy the BOH. Most will turn up their nose at the BOH but I love it.

  4. No it's not a trim tab it is what gcd said it's an anode plate. This happened to my brother inlaw last year on walleye opener soon as we hit the water heard a big noise and I figured we hit something after we inspected the prop major damage to it. Hope your prop is alright gcd is also right easy fix.

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