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  1. We stay at the Flamingo on the strip. It is a little older but the rooms are clean and priced reasonably. I like the location as you are pretty much in the center of activity and when you step out the casino you are on the strip. Other hotels such as Caesar's are designed to discourage you from leaving. It probably takes you 10 minutes from the time you leave Caesar's until you hit the strip sidewalks. This is despite the fact that they are located directly across from the Flamingo. We always rent a car at the airport and the location of the Flamingo's parking garage allows you to avoid the strip traffic and access the less traveled backroads. It really is a time saver. Even if you are staying elsewhere, try the Flamingo's breakfast buffet. It is outstanding. My wife and I are not big gamblers but really enjoy Vegas. We usually end up taking a side trip somewhere. It's not uncommon for us to spend two days in Vegas, take a side trip for a couple of days, then return for several more before departing. You can be at the beach in California in 5 hours or Bryce Canyon in Utah in 3.5 hours. If you have never seen Bryce it is spectacular.
  2. Got back Saturday from ny annual trip to the Upper French. The mosquito's were as bad as I have ever seen them and that goes back to the 70's. I am usually a stickler for closing the cabin door quickly. It got so bad that there were as many leaving as there were trying to get in. I even got bit while taking a shower. On the positive side, the black flies were not an issue this year and the UF was as beautiful as ever.
  3. Was rooting for the U.S. gals but if they couldn't get the gold I'm glad the Canadians did. Really some outstanding hockey. The Americans tried not to lose it instead of trying to win it. Sort of like the prevent defense in football. Enjoy your victory.
  4. Bushy23: How was your week of fishing?
  5. For those using an open fishing boat you may want to add eyewash, a small mirror, and clear safety glasses. These pretty much elimates the "bug in the eye" problem associated with small boats.
  6. Yes I do. We have limited pike fishing in Ohio but have access to some of the best walleye anywhere. Pike is a true sport fish and in my opinion, as tasty as walleye or perch. My trip to the Upper French each year is as much about the beauty/history of the region as it is about the fishing. If you are a local, appreciate what you have because it is priceless.
  7. Got back late last night from my annual trip to the Upper French. We fish strickly for pike and fishing was off. The pike I did catch were down deep in the weeds. I used a count down before starting my retrieve which allowed lure to get into the zone. There were very few weeds to be found near the surface. Our group of three did catch 5 accidental muskies. All coming off shoals or coastline rock. We talked to other groups that were fishing for walleye and they told us that fishing was better than normal. The water level was just about normal for spring. The water temperature was 61 to 63 degrees in open water and around 67 in the bays. Black flys and mosquitoes were not an issue and only mildly aggressive one time near sunset. We had windy conditions 4 of the 7 days but that is about par for the spring. Wednesday and Friday were two very tough days of fishing with steady afternoon rain and temps in the mid to upper 50's. Monday was the warmest at near 80 and my most productive fish day. The open fire ban was still in effect when we left on Saturday morning. a word of caution for the night time commuters. Keep alert. In New York state I had two deer step out on the highway and then turn and bolt as I slammed on the breaks. If they had not changed direction, I would have surely hit them. Elsewhere in NY state, underneath a bridge, I hit about 3 or 4 inches of water on the road that fished tailed/hydoplaned my car. I just barely was able to keep control. The standing water was from a storm that had passed through just prior to my arrival.
  8. Bushy, thanks for the info and the link. I will post the particulars from my trip but it sounds like you will be fishing by the time I arrive home. Capt, good info. Do you know if the lilacs are in bloom in the area? I have for years used this as a gauge. Fishing really seems to take off when the purple flower shows it face.
  9. If you have friends that cross the border to hit the casinos you can make arrangements to buy their currency, thus avoiding the service fee.
  10. Heading up on Friday for the week. Would appreciate any info on water level, water temp, weed growth, black flys, etc.
  11. Andy, thanks for the detailed response and to everyone else that contributed. Something that I should have added in the first post is that we rent our boat, alternate days of driving, and share all the expenses. Under the belief that I was in compliance, the alcohol was not an issue and totally his personal choice/risk. Any suggestion to keep it back in the cabin was simply for the purpose of saving him the expense/trouble. Now that the drivers responsibility has been clarified, something has to change.
  12. We fish Ontario every year,coming in from the states. Years ago I would take a few beers out on the water when I wasn't driving the boat. I stopped that practice when the authorities began cracking down. I have a fishing buddy that refuses to leave the alcohol back in the cabin. I keep telling him that it is only a matter of time until he is spotted or checked. He just flatly refuses to leave the booze behind. I for years had thought that I was not violating any of the drinking laws because I was not drinking. Recently, someone told me that by driving the boat I also was in violation. This person added that with a conviction, I could be banned from coming back into the country. Hence, no more fishing trips or vacations there with my wife. Does anyone know what the law is?
  13. I just got back from a week on the Upper French/Nipissing. I was fishing for pike but also caught three walleye on spinner baits. I caught the walleye off the West end of Sandy Island earlier in the week. I fished the same area again on Friday after a two day blow. The water, which was very clear earlier in the week, was muddy and debre filled from the wind & waves. I only spent a half hour there on Friday with very little action. Good week overall. I caught 3 accidental muskies and heard of two others being caught. I also heard of a 43" pike being caught out of Twilight Bay (Off the French). The pike fishing was good. My thoughts on the boat operator test is that it is a gigantic waste of time and is an unneccessary burden on the tourist. What's next, a swim test before being allowed on a beach? With the cost of travel skyrocketing, the powers to be would be wise to drop this test.
  14. Thanks for the info. Are the lilacs in bloom yet? I have found over-the-years that fishing picks up when the lilac bloom takes place? Sort of strange but past notes support it.
  15. Several questions...... I am heading up next week to fish Nipissing and the Upper French. Has the lake recovered from last years low water level? Are shore lunch fires permitted this year? Is the spring bloom running behind the norm? Thank you.
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