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Posts posted by Casey123

  1. Not going to give you a spot but maybe some advice to help you find your own.


    First of all check out the regs, see what is open and where - Zone 15 year round, Zone 18 Year round, Zone 16 South of the CNR Bridge.


    Secondly get a decent map book, decide how far you are willing to drive, etc.


    If you can't go to far you can try Port Hope, if you are new to Stellies this is a great place to see what everyone else is doing, rods, reels, bait and colours. If you are a little more polite then your inital intro here, most people will stop and talk to you for a few minutes.

    Once you have done this, you can head back to Port Hope after dark, a few less people and maybe find a spot of your own.


    Once the water clears up, all the tribs along the East Shore of lake O, half the fun is getting out, going for a drive and exploring.


    Like one other member said, Niagara is also a good place, if the water is a little off colour the fish will be more forgiving if you have less then ideal equipment.


    Normally if you ask what the water clarity is like, how the fishing pressure is, etc. you will get a good repsponse. Asking where to fish, especially steelhead you are going to get exactly what just happened to you.


    There is a tonne of pressure on the tribs around Toronto.


    Finally, when you go out take your camera, everyone here loves pics. Even if you got nothing take some pics of the scenery, etc.

    and if someone gaives you some tips, say thanks.

  2. Sorry, just buting your nuts.


    Don't doubt that there are some power hungry people out there, just don' see that they could organize this on a global scal with minimal leakage to the media.

    No, I do not believe that every media outlet in the world, except Alex Jones, are involved in the cover up.


    Nor do I doubt that Bohemien Grove exists, or the VanderBergers's, or The Club of Rome, the last two are very powerful people puhing thier own agenda and trying to sway influence over government and business.


    FYI this has been happening since time and memorial

  3. Then does the question become what constitutes cruelty and or who decides what is cruelty?


    I see a huge hole in which someone hunting or fishing could be accused of cruelty by someone that sees any action against an animal wild or domestic as being cruel and in-humane, be they an activist, a judge or a citizen.


    That's a huge exposure, and leaves the door open for even further legislation to tighten the noose, depending on the power of the lobby groups involved.


    Even if this bill does not pass, it will come back in another form, or pieced out and buried in other legislation. It is a UNESCO directive to put in place measures that will restrict fishing and hunting, and access to public lands.


    Just a quick question....


    Is UNESCO controlled by the Illuminati?

  4. "My bill, however, has consistently been opposed by several hunting

    organizations that fear, incorrectly, that it will interfere with their activities.

    In particular, they object to part of C-373 that would make it an offence to

    kill an animal, or allow it to be killed, “brutally or viciously.” Nothing in

    my bill would interfere with responsible hunters who use guns or bows in a

    lawful manner, so it’s a mystery to me why these groups feel the need to

    kill animals “brutally or viciously.”

    The hunting groups and some animal industry groups are supporting a

    rival bill, S-213, introduced by Senator John Bryden, which is opposed by..."



    This is a quote from the Liberal MP supporting the bill....

    All I would like to add, if it does not affect hunters and fisherman who are legally enjoying the sport, then put it in the bill and gain some support from the people who hunt and fish.

  5. I am going to take a contrary view.


    Hopefully everyone can pull their head out of their :asshat: long enough to understand the full context of the Bill.


    The bills primary objective is to deal with cruel and brutal treatment of domestic animals and/or cruel and unusal treatment of live stock. Is there anyone herethat can say that a pet owner should have the right to beat, abuse or otherwise mistreat their dog or cat?


    Instead of everyone jumpig all over the vagueness of the langauge, which could, bite us in the ass. Would it not be more productive to call your MP and ask that the wording be tightened up or changed to protect our fishing and hunting rights?


    Also why you are at it, you might as well call your MPP and do the same, as The Ontario Humae Society has a similar bill before the House in Toronto.


    So my conclusion is this -


    The broad strokes of the Bill are good for domestic animals.


    The wording of the bill needs to be changed to protect our enjoyment of the outdoors.


    By throwing out the bill we will be doing our pets a great dis service.


    It would probably be helpful if we read the entire bill instead of some lobbyists perspective. Isn't this the complaint that we have with the P3TA peckers!

  6. Congrats 4 Reel. Good for you Bud. Equipment such as this makes every job easier and more profitable. As a tradesman, I know the value of such equipment. I just finished 3 weeks of number crunching myself, bidding on a 3 million dollar job, and I lost by 200k. Such is life. I hope that the successful bidders make a buck or two. Actually I hope that they lose about 100K.


    Makes me look smarter...




    The whole lowest tender thing never really made much sense to me. Cheapest price does not mean best work, safest practices, tightest schedule etc., I now the alot of compaines like SNC Lavalin, Ellis Don etc., have gotten away from this. They are still looking at the bottom line, but they now consider saftey records, time line, past performance etc.


    You would never hear a home owner say - I want the cheapest dude in the city tobuild me the cheapest house possible. But in reality that is what happens.

  7. My wife and I enjoy fishing the Boyne every year. NOrmally from early May to Mid June (depending on water levels and temp of course.


    Every year there are a few more log jams, slowing down the current. A few more trees that have fallen over the stream.


    The net result is a slower flow, warmer temperatures, more suspened particulate and less oxygen.


    How would I go about fixing this?


    Should i try and get a local conservation group involved or should I speak to the MNR?


    Are there laws against removing log jams via a chain saw?


    If you have ever fished this river, you will know just how pretty it is...I am more then wiling to spend a few weekends to cut out some log jams.

  8. Very Nice!! @ 82' how much deflection does the boom have under load??


    Nice to see these lads forming old school.. Whalers, Snap ties and Wedges.... many have moved to SlipForms.. Especially in condo market....


    Nice machine you have there!... Do you do rentals?





    Positive Deflection under 0 Load - Only machine in the world to boast this. Deflection under load at 82' is about 18" - it will only lift 600kg at 82' striaght out. Above 45 degrees it will lift 1500kg at 82' with very minimal boom deflection.


    We rent all machines (68 diff models from 6 m to 21m) except the 25m(82 ft) machine.

  9. Just wanted to share a few pics of what I do for a living.


    I sell constrcution equipment in and around Toronto. The company I work for sells Telescopic Handlers. The machine in this picture our flagship handler. It handles 4 Tonnes and Rotates, like a small crane.


    Setting up a new piece of equipment is always a little un nerving as there are always small problems with the equipment to be worked out on site. There are less then ideal conditions as well as training a group of people who are unfamiliar with your equipment and controls.


    This set up went off with out a hitch; I wish that they were all this easy.


    Next to fishing for a living this is the best job I could imagine. Nothing like getting to play with big toys all day.


    Big Green and Ready




    Big Strech (82 Feet Worth)




    Tight Spaces




    The Money Shot






    This machine will be used for all aspects of a Condo in Toronto on Ritchie Street. Right now they are using it to move forms, place rebar and poor concrete. later on they will use it to hoist pre fab walls, install glazing and even for the flat roof.


    Thanks for looking!

  10. I would:


    Find out who is in chare of 1. operations and 2. security for Scotia Bank Place. also find out who is incharge of customer relations for the Ottawa Senetors (it was there home game). I would write a very dtailed letter, explaining the situation and the outcome. Include details such as seat numbers, time of incident, seat no. where the other gentleman was sitting etc.

    Explain the disappointment as opposed to the disgust.

    Send to all three people and then ave your young friend follow up with a phone call in 2 weeks to see if each person recieved the letter.


    Bear in mind that the other guy may be a season ticket holder and his $1000's are worth more then your friends $100's.


    There are a lot of lessons that your friend can learn.

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