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Posts posted by Casey123

  1. Hit some Eastern Tribs on Saturday...Solo. I must have been sick, because I really didn't feel much like fishing. The weather was beautiful and sunny. Lots of people out.



    From West to East



    Beauty Water, Gin Clear




    No Chrome Here Either




    Meet Some Fellow OFC'rs - Why were they all standing in the field? :dunno:




    They were too far away to identify, but I thought I saw Cliff and Gerrit.


    This creek had some steel in it but they were really spooky, I am going to tie some pink wire wrapped nypmth's this week and try them under a float the next time I have these conditions. I had some black one's with me, but no interest.




    Sunday, Headed up to Owen Sound. We stopped by the Notta, bu we had no illusions about fishing it as it was all but blown out. Thanks for the heads up guys.




    The funniest Stop sign I have ever seen.


    All that I can say is that you have some serious ungulates in the Grey Bruce area






    The water was low on the tribes and very clear. The bay trib mouths were full of ice and man was it windy.








    Cheacking out my new waders and jacket (Old waders had a slow leak above the knee, did not feel like turning into and iced drink.




    Beauty shot taken by my wife






    Nice weekend.


    No chrome, and for the record, 2 days + no fish, I think this is the longest skunk period. I will need to correct that this weekend.


    Michael and Michelle

  2. Every year we fish a favourite trib in central ontario. We fish it opening weekend and always have great sucess with lower then average pressure for the weekend.

    On the strech of the river, there is a beauty hole, 10 feet + in depth and very, very long. Problem is, the steelies never stack up in the hole. They always sit in the rifts and log jams up stream and down stream but I have never seen or caught a fish in the hole.

    The trib is a nice gravel bottom with gin clear water(my fav water condition to fish).


    Thanks in advance



  3. Thats Ok, I don't wanna go to no stinking Roches Point anways!!!!




    Glad to see they reached a compromise, would be okay with the user fees if 100% of the funds went back into Lake Simcoe, the primary reason for access. Not okay with user fees if the money goes into the Townships general revenues.


    Would not mind seeing more user fees for other water ways such as: Big HEad, Grand (upper section), Boyne, Notta, etc., if all monies raised went back into water quality improvments and fishery improvments.


    I think that most would agree we could use better enforcment, better mangment, better funding for local angling and conservation groups.

  4. HI guys, I belong to Ivy Lodge 115 (Free Masons) I would love to contribute to your conversation, however I am to busy trying to take over the world.


    It would be nice if some of you guys pulled your heads out of your butts, yes the Bilderbergs Exist, So does the Club of Roman, as does the Council on Foriegn Relations etc.,


    Many groups including religious, capatilists, and political types broker in power and are looking to control world events, it is unfair and unrealistic to paint all groups that you are not familar with as evil.


    Maybe try sleeping in the night instead of listening to George Norry and Alex Jones.




    (ps it makes for some funny sh@t at 4:000am when my wife and I are on the road to our next fishing adventure)

  5. HI guys, I belong to Ivy Lodge 115 (Free Masons) I would love to contribute to your conversation, however I am to busy trying to take over the world.


    It would be nice if some of you guys pulled your heads out of your butts, yes the Bilderbergs Exist, So does the Club of Roman, as does the Council on Foriegn Relations etc.,


    Many groups including religious, capatilists, and political types broker in power and are looking to control world events, it is unfair and unrealistic to paint all groups that you are not familar with as evil.


    Maybe try sleeping in the night instead of listening to George Norry and Alex Jones.




    (ps it makes for some funny sh@t at 4:000am when my wife and I are on the road to our next fishing adventure)

  6. I thought facebook was for girls



    So did I, my bad :unsure::unsure::unsure:


    Spend enough time here as it is, face book about fishing would ensure my new sleeping arangment, on the couch. :blink:


    Randy it is a great idea though, I know people my wifes age like the face book alot.

  7. We justed switched to Braided last year, my wife is now asking me what took us so long.


    So long to line twist....


    So long to line strech....


    Hello to more and better hook up....esp. the whitefish in 80 FT of water throught the hard stuff.



    All I can say is that our house in mono free



    As far as the price goes...Good mono 12.00/spool, good mono 22.00 to 28.00


    Mono needs to be changed once every 6 months, I have seen some great tips here to get 2 years out of braided, so I think it will all come out in the wash.

  8. Maybe all who did as asked, dimming their lights, are nothing more than a bunch of lemmings :worthy: trying to find the edge of the cliff. :(


    Just an assumption...



    By the sounds of the posts by some people, the lights were not the only things that are DIM.

  9. Was going to head up to the Nottawasga River tomorrow (catch and realese section) Wondering if anyone has fished it in the last 2 weeks? If so how was it?

    Also looking for water conditions if possible...



    Thanks in advance


    Michael and Michelle

  10. No, this is just a giant marketing ploi dreamed up by Richard Branson's Virgin Brand. You know as in Virgin Airlines. Hey buddy if you really want to do something great for the planet, stop flying all your jets around! :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:

  11. What are everyones plans for the weekend? Hard water pearch, soft water chrome, or the un thinkable.....non fishing related?


    I am hoping that some of the tribs will be clearer then chocolate milk.


    I got out to Bowmanville on Monday for a few hours and all I can say is wow! As much as I love the hard water, there is nothing like getting a line wet on a sunny spring day.


    Only 29 more sleeps till the official trout opener. If things stay on the cold side and the creeks do not get blown out, we may be in for a better then average opener here in the far south.


    I have been eyeing up the Bronte never fished it before (now it is 5 minutes from my office) hoping that the Steelies can make it up that far and if so will still be haning out on opener.



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