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Posts posted by Garyv

  1. No matter what their colour is they are just my favourite to fish for. Pound for pound you just can't beat the action they give you and on light tackle are just a blast. I have posted this before but if you want to really have fun try fishing them with a noodle rod and 2 to 4Lb test. One point of caution don't reef back to set the hook or you'll have flying fish going over your boat.

  2. The 1845 impact is the fishing friendly version. The xl gives you some extra bells and whistles and is more in touch with family boating, but could also function quite nicely for fishing. My son purchased a basic Mirrocraft 14 foot big fisherman last spring and after being out in Huron with it, I was impressed with the way it handled big water.

  3. This just amazes me for the end of the first week of January. I had a friend that took his boat out by the water treatment plant in Pt Edward today. Surface temp all over the area and in the St Clair river was 42F on average. He said he did not mark much of anything and never got a hit. Without the ice it could be a bad season this spring for Salmon and Rainbow around here.

  4. There are different diameters of Dipsy's for you to pick from. Figure out the correct size for what your intended use is. They can put a lot of strain on your equiptment so make sure they are used with the proper gear, especially if using them at deeper depths.


    In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened



    I always thought Shakespeare was a masochist, thanks for confirming same!

  6. Justin I have fished this area for over 25 years. Right now I don't have much time to reply to your request other than to say in general during the past few years the fishing in Huron has gone downhill from as little as 5 years ago. Salmon simply is hit and miss, and rainbow the same. Laketrout however has been on the increase. Smallmouth fishing used to be fantastic towards Blue and Kettle Point but in the past 2 years although still quite good is no where what it was. As mentioned above walleye, especially just above the water treatment plant in Pt Edward can be super and the same can be said right along the river on both the US and Canadian side to the hydro plant and beyond. Then there is Lake St Clair which is still from what I hear still a fantastic fishery, although if you fish near Mitchels bay you most likely will have to get a Walpole Band fishing permit to fish their waters. You probably know from other posts that Musky is also exceptional. PM me on more specifics if you like.

  7. Retired 7 years ago, I have been fortunate to have some interesting occupations. Came to Canada in the 70's to manage the Canadian office of a instrumentation company. Left and started our own businesses in Video, electronics, appliances, army surplus, pizza and ice cream. Worked 7 days a week for almost 20 years with a few weeks off here and there. Since retiring we still own and rent apt, and commercial facilities.


    The nice thing about being retired is you can do what you want when you want to do it. I got bored doing nothing so now I work with a friend erecting and dismantling TV and radio towers as well as sat. dishes. Work in the office on weekends during summer at the campground 5 min from the house, also do maintence , grass cutting, snow plowing etc there on the off season as well as doing some volunteer jobs for them ( they are part of the United Church Camp system ). Work for both elections Canada ( guess like it sounds I'll be working sometime this next year ) as well as elections Ontario ( will definitely be working for them come fall of 2007 ). And lastly been repairing boat props for the last 8 years but I may stop come this spring.

  8. Back in 2002 we drove up to fish the "Fish Kincardine Salmon derby" and took my buddies 17ft. Wilker I/O. We had pre arranged a dock in the river and once set up launched the boat and secured it to our dock. It was raining so we decided to take a ride to Southhampton and upon return just spent the day shooting the breeze with other people we knew. Next morning we got up around 6, had breakfast in the motorhome and walked down to the boat with our gear. As soon as we started down the hill something did not look right and when we got closer the back 3/4 of the boat was down with only about 6 to 8 inches out of the water. Dock ropes were tight and the dock was listing towards the boat. Battery, most of the engine etc underwater. We decided to climb in and hand bail with 2 plastic pails Manny had in the boat. Water was very cold and the bailing took a LOT of time. Tried the bilge pump once the level started going down but the line was plugged with nesting material from mice. When the boat was about as empty as we could get it we checked the oil to see if there was any water in the crank case and when it was determined there was not we decided to try and start it. To everyones surprise it not only turned over but started as well. Over to the launch we went, got the trailer, pulled the boat and went to Port Elgin. We found a mechanic that would do the job quickly for a few extra dollars. Turned out to be the boot had cracked and was letting water in. We did get to fish the derby after that but it was one expensive trip.


    Living on the Great Lakes ( in my case Huron ) as Marc mentioned above you can be subjected to quickly changing weather. Been in lots of flash storms and the like but thats a story (s) for some other time.

  9. $5.00 Timmy's gift certificate from my dog. She said she had a heck of a time putting it in the little card they give you with it!


    After reading Lew's post I to am fortunate at still having my 89 year old mom around to celebrate Christmas with.


    Edit#1....New underwater video system. I mentioned a month or so ago I was looking at perhaps purchasing one in the new year now I don't have to.

  10. Slept in this morning when we finally got up went and did some work around the house. This afternoon went over to our daughters and helped the son in law peak his sat dish as the wind moved it out of position. Took a walk with Liz, Mark and the grandkids ( Amy my dog too! ) in the bush for a few miles and when we got back took a ride with Mark to the liquor store and M&M meats for snack goodies. Went to a 6:00 Christmas service with my wife and our daughter Liz showed up with her husband ( Mark ) and two of our grandkids for the family Christmas eve service. On the way home wife and I picked up some pizza and were going suprise our daughter with an impromptu invite for snacks, but when we pulled in our driveway she had left a note on out garage door to come to her house ( she lives about 600 ft. from us on the lakefront ) for something to eat. We went brought the pizzas and she provided the Chinese snacks. Gave the grandkids their presents and helped them play with them and got home around 9:30. Took Amy for a walk around 10 and were now in for the night.

  11. When we were involved with the different businesses we ran, for the first 10 years or so we would always keep the video store open 365 days a year. Since no one wanted to work those days the wife and I would as it was very dollar wise to do so. As years passed we backed off on Christmas day. Since retiring 7 years ago I have done and continue to do a lot of different jobs but vowed I would never work holidays again. I have to admit however that if it were not for the grandkids I would find Christmas day boring.

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