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Posts posted by JoePa

  1. Spring means for me to start getting firewood for next year - try to get it early so it has time to dry out over the summer - burned 5 full sized cords this past winter - all out of it now - once that is done then I can concentrate on fishing

  2. For safety I always bought either pickups a full size SUV or full sized vans because they were higher off the ground and they had frames underneath - when I sit in a car it feels like my butt is dragging on the ground -  most cars just fold up like paper when in a crash - a semi would flatten them out like a tin can -

  3. Yes I believe that fishing is good for the soul and body - but it use to be more so when you just went out in a row boat and parked somewhere on the lake and fished with live bait and a bobber - now a days with all the fancy equipment and the tournaments fishing has gotten stressful for many guys - I remember going fishing with my Uncle Herman back in the late 40s - get up early in the morning and sitting on my front porch until he came up the hill in his 39 chevy - I could tell it was him from the sound the car made coming up the hill - a couple nights before I picked a couple dozen nightcrawlers - on the way to the lake we would stop at a gas station on get some minnows - at the lake I had to get the rain water out of the wooden row boat with a tin car - we then rowed out to the lake an anchored along an island - we sat and talked - watched the wild life - and ate the lunches we brought with us - Uncle always had a couple bottles of beer with him to wash down the sandwiches

    We would catch our limit of bass and chain pickerel then go back into the stumps and catch a mess of perch, sunnies and catfish - it was a real relaxing day and was something I still remember - I think something went away when we drifted away from the old way of fishing

  4. There needs to be a market for these fish - somehow start getting people to eat them - they are probably healthy to eat but like so many other things people got to start recognizing the food value of these fish - if that would happen then they could turn out to be an asset and not a bad thing - good protein - people won't starve with these fish in the water

  5. I remember fishing on Horwood Lake one time - one day we decided to go out on the lake when it got dark - we're out there and started hearing a noise which we thought was a train off in the distance - we finally realized it was bugs - trillions of them - all over the place - had to keep your mouth shut or you would be eating them - it must have been some kind of a hatch going on - you would think it was snowing - then one time on Detour lake - we were staying in a cabin - in the evening you couldn't get another mosquito on the screen in the window - it was fully covered with them - some got into the cabin so we had to sleep under the sheets - yes - you got bugs up north

  6. One thing that was not mentioned is the availability of hospitals or doctors when you need them - I would think that this is more of a concern as you get older - I live in the country but not that far from a pretty big city - so I think I have it pretty good - it is quiet where I live but if needed I can drive to the city when needed

    • Like 2
  7. Dutch01 - that's a good one

    Sometimes owning hunting land can be a pain - years ago a local farmer had some trespassers fined for hunting on his land without permission - a couple months later someone shot one of his cows that was grazing in a field - that's one thing nice about fishing - you get onto a lake and you have acres of space to move around in - sometimes miles -

  8. I figure that a lot of you guys go hunting in addition to going fishing - thought you might give me an idea about using deer bones to make soup - I just made myself a large pot of vegetable soup using beef bones - boy I'll tell you something - nothing like a nice hot bowel of soup on a cold winter day - the soup was fantastic - when I butcher my deer I usually throw away the bones - was wondering if any of you have use the bones to make soup and how did it taste - thanks

  9. We have been having real cold weather down here in Pa. for a week or so - temperatures below zero F and high winds -  in the mid west the temperatures have even been much colder - I often wondered how the Native Indians were able to survive such cold weather without the housing, heat and other things we have that keep us warm - it must have been really rough on them - a lot probably died 

  10. I live out in the country and I often see guys in a contraption that looks like a lawn chair with a small motor and a parachute flying over my yard - I often wave to them - they come and go real quickly - I guess I would get pissed off if some drone came over my place and stayed there any length of time looking down at my place - if done more than once it would probably make its last flight   - it won't be long before someone starts selling rockets that can be used to shoot down the drones - they can be very useful though if used in the right way - you can get some beautiful pictures which you couldn't otherwise -

    Amazon is toying with the idea of delivering packages with the things - there will be drones flying all over the place


  11. I use to fish this river further north for small mouth bass by wading into the water and casting stone catties out towards the middle and letting them drift down with the current - stone catfish are small catfish that we would catch by lifting up rocks and letting them drift into a small hand held net down stream from the rock picked up - they were only 3 to 5 inches long but the bass went crazy over them - this river was at one time considered the best small mouth fishery in the country - haven't fished it in many years - there are also musky and walleye in this river - it starts somewhere in New York and flows thru Pa. and finally ends up in the Chesapeake Bay

  12. Well let me tell you guys something - for years I did a lot of camping and fishing at night being by myself - never worried about a thing - why - because I had a pistol grip short barreled shogun in my camper and carried a 38 special - you'd be surprised how that makes the difference on how you feel - I know your laws are different up there but i keep saying that someday people will realize that it is a basic right to be able to feel safe no matter where you go -

    The other thing I'd like to comment on is how Dutch is so reluctant to tell the whole story for fear of offending someone even if he is telling the truth - I know this is common but isn't it a shame that a person can't speak the truth anymore because of PC -

    • Like 1
  13. I want to wish all my Canadian friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year - for us old guys who have lost their spouse  things are a little sad  around this time of the year - I look back at the time my wife was here with me and the kids were small - those were the real good days - but life goes on - for you young guys who have a family make sure you cherish the season and their company

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  14. I have read  several accounts where dogs ate something with a sugar substitute called Xylitol in it and the dogs died - this is a sugar alcohol that is used in chewing gum, baked goods and other food stuff - better to check before you give your dog something to eat - especially now around Christmas when there is so much sweet stuff around - I  assume that if you own a dog you know that chocolate can also kill a dog -

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