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Posts posted by uglyfish

  1. if u wanna save money... save it on the rods. DO NOT cheap out on the baitcast reels or you'll be sorry. fishing in prolly the one sport when it comes to equipment, that the old saying... "you get what u pay for" holds very true. when using casting equipment, its not really for finesse tactics, so having to "feel" everything isn;t always as important. don;t get me wrong though, the more sensitive it is the better, then when reeling in say, a crankbait... u'll know by the feel if u have weeds stuck on it, if its running true, if he ticking weeds, or rocks, or wood, all can make a difference. spend as much as u can on the set up. but as said, if u wanna save do it on the rod, not reel. i would rather spend 150 on the reel and 50 on the rod. you'll save urself a lot of headaches and make learning a lot easier with good reels. take a look at the new curado reels, now, i hate shimano, and owyn NOTHING by them, lol, just preference. but i took a look at the 09 curado... and even i have to say its a sweet reel and under 200 bucks. a lot of 08 reels will be on sale now and in the coming weeks as all major companies will be releasing new products for october. the quantum energy PT reel is one of the best i have ever used. the abu garcia REVO series reels are great too, and the range from about 120-250 in price so theres one there for everyone. daiwa is another company that makes very good reels and 1 wide price range.

  2. 6'6" med action rod and baitcast reel will be good for spinnerbaits, buxxbaits, top waters, and smaller cranks and lipless cranks.


    7'med/hvy with a baitcast reel for bigger cranks, and larger spinners, plus smaller jigs and texas rigged works and other plastics.


    6' light action spinning rod with a small spinning reel for finesse tactics and smaller targetted fish.


    7' med-med/hvy spinning rod and comparible reel for all other applications, like drop shotting, draggin tubes, smaller jigs and jiggin spoons


    i personally prefer the quantum rods and reels, they;re reels are very smooth and lightweight, especially the 2009 models. tour edition PT rods are great too. but its all about personl preference. go to a shop, hold a few rods, hold a few reels, see what feels good to u. we can all swear that OUR brand is best, be it quantum, shimano, daiwa, abu garcia... but only u will decide what u like best based on feel and price.

  3. Bass, both large and smallmouth in there, pike, walleye, perch, crappie, bluegill, pumpkinseed, catfish and carp all inhabit the waters of the resovoir there. minnows are allowed. micro tubes work good for crappies, as said the preditory fish, bass pike and walleye are catch and release only to help re-establish healthy populations of the fish again. over fishing was a big problem and decimated the populations, crappie are extremely abundant there. but there are some big fish, i seen a 4lb smallie caught, and a 7lb walleye. prolly not much more then hammer handle pike, i seen a 3 or 4lb pike caught through the ice this past winter, but who knows, there could and very well may be a big one out there, its a huge body of water. not much for structure in the lake though. averages about 10 feet deep with a max of only 23 feet.

  4. a pirhana could survive through a winter here. most animals will adapt to survive. and pirhana are caught in our waters more then u think, my friend lives in welland rite on the canal, and there were 3 caught at different times of the year not more then 100 yards from her house. oh, and 1 of the 3... was caught during ice fishing season... other 2 were spring and summer catches

  5. i agree, to kill it, very ignorant... and u deserve to get bit by one just for that comment. its such a gorgeous looking snake... too bad all our buildings need to expand has pushed it into hiding and near extinction.... as with so many other snake, and reptile species. congrats on seeing one, truely rare and quite a thrill. i would love to see one in person.

  6. braid id fine, aggressive fish will hit it no matter what, when u need a more finesse look, then use either an invisible braid, like spiderwire invisi-braid, or fireline crystal. ir tie a flourocarbon leader on ur line. use a heavier braid, like 30-50lb on ur reel, this will help with casting as they are designed for larger diameter lines. if u learn to thumb the spool properly, then having backlashes won;t be an issue. most people prefer momo because its easier to un tangle a birdsnest, braid gets knotted up to tight to get out, although i have not once had an issue with iut, i only use braid.

  7. they will only cast a SEVERELY broken finger, and even then, its only a half cast. basically covers the top or bottom of ur hand, and is help on with a tensor bandage. easy to remove. broken fingers are easy to fish with, done it many times. if ur worried about it beiong broken, go get it xrayed. otherwise, ice and and forget it. i;ve broken lots of bones and i rarely see a doctor cause i know what they will do anyways. playing football i;ve had my share of xrays and i can read them as easy as a doctor can. being friends with an orthopedic surgeon has its perks lol. but really, unless ur actually worried about it, don;t lose any sleep over it. just ice it, 30 minutes on... 60 minutes off. the swelling should go down soon, if it lasts longer then a week with no improvement, then go see a doctor.

  8. well, get on the water guys and gals. the walleye are on FIRE rite now. both lake erie and the grand river are producing numbers and big fish rite now. got out on a few outtings so far. saturday i went out with fishmaster to lake erie, for my first try at some erie walleye. didn;t take long and we had a fish in the boat.




    was my best walleye to date, but short lived ;) the weather was perfect, the lake was flat as glass. we ended up goin 3 for 5 in about 2 hours of fishing. fish were taken in 65 feet of water, on gold and blue and silver worm harnesses, 20 feet down on jet divers 175'-200' back. marked a ton of fish out there.


    nites catch.



    sunday i watched a ton of boats pull limits of walleye from the grand river, so, despite the heat and headache i had, i loaded up the boat and hit the water after work. went to my spot and wasn;t long before i had one on. went about 1.5lbs. shortly after, fish on. pulled in a solid 2-2.5 lber.




    slowed for a bit, changed up tactics, changed target species, then went back to my bread and butter bait. sure enough, it worked, pulled out my new PB walleye somewhere around the 4-4.5 lb mark. didn;t have my scale with me sadly. but i knew it was bigger then my previous best.






    all river walleye were released. the spot i fished has produced me 7 fish in 3 times out, and only spent a couple hours total in the area fishing for walleye. all fish were caught casting a Perch color Big O in the large size.


    my previous outting was with my son. we landed 2 nice walleye that day, that made a date with my frying pan. i;m tellin ya, the kid is a pro with the net, didn;t even tell him what to do and he had the net in the water and the fish inside it without even missing a beat!!






    this is my first year actually targeting walleye, and i;d say i;m doin pretty good so far. once ya figure them out, its a blast. get out there and gets some while the bite is hot!


    couple weeks back, took my gf and her daughter to dunnville for some fishing. got into the channel cats pretty good, with the little one catching 3 herself. in total 5 channel cats and 1 sheepie were caught.












    hope to see ya out on the river soon! fishmasters store has a good selection of crankbaits for the river and a ton of worm harnesses tied in some hot colors for the lake erie walleye!!

  9. call 905-701-6874 Fishmasters bait and tackle. his store is located on the river, plenty of shore access to fish and a boat launch, a 2 minute run to the dam. lots of big cats caught there. i was there last wednesday and landed 5 in a couple hours. most are in spawning rite now, so lots close to shore.

  10. the braking system is located on the outside of the reel. on the side cover u took off, that dial on that side is the braking adjustments. its not done from inside the reel. they can be a bit stiff when takin the side cover off, but once u get it, it comes off easier. but yea, the braking adjustments are made from outside the reel, not inside it. i only use quantum equipment, i have both the tour edition and energy PT reels. if ya need another copy of the schematics or the manual from it, let me know, i'll scan it and send ya a copy.

  11. Is a tip even necessary...??


    $350 for 4 hours....that seems like a pretty decent income already!

    Not to mention...you're being paid to fish!


    (anyone know of any openings?!?!)



    essentually yea, thats a good pay for the time... but take into account the cost of gas, not only for the boat, but perhaps towing the boat to the docks, i know bowens boat is docked at the marina,. but u also have costs for gettin himself there. then maintenence costs for the boat. gear and bait. break offs cost money to replace lost gear, respool reels when needed, and i know he has a couple wire rods, the wire is not cheap to put on either. theres a lot of costs associated with running a charter. its not 100% profit.

  12. just cast off the wall there, or i can walk around and go up the break wall and fish along there too. u can get bass, pike, perch, rock bass, white perch, catfish, carp, sheepshead. live bait rigs are good, or the usually bass and pike lures. keeping in mind bass is out of season till june 28th.

  13. well, another report! went fishing just outside of dunnville on the welland river/chippewa creek. made 3 trips out here, should have taken more pictures... but i didn;t, next time i will! lol. anyways, went out to take a look as my buddy said it was a nice spot to get into some fish. so we went out, and boy was he right. we slammed the crappies all day long!! didn;t take any pics, as they were all fairly small, a few bigger ones in the mix though, but we had the numbers game goin that day! the first time we were there was May 8th, but still had a handful of ppl fishing above the falls for walleye, with a few being caught, and under my watchful eye, they were promptly released. now, a surprise for myself, fishing below the rapids, i hooked into a decent pike, only my second ever and a new PB! lol, don;t get too excited, it was nuthin special. but a nice treat and my first of the year.






    mixed in the bag was a ton of crappie, some pumpkinseeds, the pike, and a few catfish. made for a fun day for the girlfriend and myself. gorgeous day out, couldn;t ask for anythin better. up where the guys were fishing for the walleye, a couple bass were caught as well, with one being a real hawg! this largie was easily pushing 5lbs!! it was a beauty, but, OSS so it was also quickly released.


    went back a few days later to try for some now, in season walleye and some more crappies! well, weather was a bit cooler and windier then the last time, and this time, the BUGS came out to play!! fishing was a little tougher. figured out the crappie after a few minutes of playin around and started gettin some. so, Ashley, my lovely girlfriend, was fishing them, as i went above the rapids to try for some eyes! well, no luck with the eyes, did get a couple small largemouth for my efforts on a small jig with a berkley gulp minnow on it. Ashley also got a small bass too. so, back down the the crappies, then, i got adventurous and headed along the river bank to get to a couple fish holding spots, put a dead minnow on as we had a couple, and tried for some channel cats, and sure enough, my spots payed off as i landed a few small ones, then.. and keep in mind i;m on a bank, 6 feet above the water that goes straight down into the river, i drop my line down, and as soon as it hit the water, bam, float goes under! so, as i proceed to set the hook and what i expect is a channel cat from the undercut bank, the fish doesn;t move, so i;m thinkin, ok, i got a big one here... and off she runs, straight out to the middle of the river. so i yell to ashley to get me the net as i fight it, now garnering some attention from a few fellow anglers around us. after a 10 minute fight, and me climbing around some trees and playin monkey man tryin not to lose this fish in a brush pile it ran around, i finally get down to where i can land it. so, i get the net, scoop the fish, and see... scales... ok, its a big carp... or is it? muahaha. sorry... so, i pull it up and my buddy asks, what is it... and my response... i have no idea! i;ve never seen this fish before in my life. so, we get it on the bank where i can look at it, and an older gentleman comes over and without missing a beat... thats a "Big Mouth Buffalo" well, i have heard of them, never seen or caught one before, so this was kinda exciting now! get a weight of him and a couple pics, and back to the water!




    9.87 Lbs on the scale



    and one more for the road.



    he said it was only the second one hes ever seen around here, only other was years before down in the niagara river. later learned they are not native to our waters, but are quite common in the U.S.


    went back again a couple days ago, and again, was not a fun day to be out, windy, cold, some rain. fish were not cooperating at all, couldn;t buy a strike, so i let Ashley keep tryin for crappie and i wondered off to find fish hiding in cover. managed to get a small bluegill then moved to the upper part of the river to try for some eyes again, well, after gettin a few bites in the same area, i finally for a big hit and a hookup! was i finally goin to get my first ever walleye?!? lol, no, i was not... rite after gettin a solid hookset, i was bitten off by a rather large pike. was using 8lb mono, it hit on a tube jig rigged texas style to avoid all the snags there. tied on a new jig head 1/8oz and a gulp minnow, landed a 1lb largie and that was it. lots of birds flying around, was kinda creepy. lol. i'll be back there soon for some more fishing, and be sure to have more pictures.

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