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About trruker

  • Birthday 07/19/1950

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    Ont. Can.
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  1. Just returned from restoule,great trip weather was fantastic,the walleye bite was still on caught a number of pike the biggest was 33 in. Restoule lake was the best producer,struck out on stormy although Ihave to admit I never put much effort into it, caught my biggest ever smallie on clear not even a sniff of any musky.Plan on going back in late sept and will leave the small rods back at camp,its hard to focous on one species when your having so much fun.
  2. Spent 10 days at white lake last year ,excellent fishing for eyes and pike.The bugs were absoloutly horrendous.I assume your speaking of white lake about 30 km west of white river although now that I think of it there is another white lake out Renfrew way.
  3. I'm with you on the restoule /stormy thing.I haven't spent much time on clear although a friend of my son who comes from the area tells me clear has a healthy population of skis.
  4. I've always had better luck working the cabbage beds adjacent to deep water placing the boat on the deep side and casting into the cabbage, it seems the bigger fish like to lay in ambush in the weeds as close to the deeper water as possible,I've had a number of hard strikes just as the lure breaks free of the weeds,in any event I guess i'll find out shortly.Just bought a new okuma komoda 350 paired with a 8ft Im8 heavey action rod and i'm dying to try it out.
  5. A lot depends on who wrote the ticket a JP can override a ticket written by the OPP or a local police agency but when the ticket is issued by one of the ministries [ game&fisheries or transportation] it needs to be tried by judge &jury, a justice of the peace has no authority over these people.Read that ticket carefully,the legall costs could be triple the price of the ticket.
  6. Good looking Brown and the bow don't look too shaby either,those kids are going to remember that day for the rest of their life.Something tells me your planning on installing a few more of those days on the boys....Great Stuff
  7. I'm a pickerel and musky kind of guy if I get bored some day I'll break out the downrigger and head for deep water,Ihad given up on lakers but now its confirmed that lakers exist i'll probably give it another go.Heading up to the park the 2nd week of aug and planning on hitting Clear pretty hard although its going to pretty hard to ignore the cabbage beds on restoule.
  8. Ihave fished restoule for better than 30 years and never seen a whitefish,lots of herring but no whitefish.
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