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About Muskyfanatic

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  1. Someone suggested that I should post a link to this thread here as there are apparently some OFC members in the photo's. I hope they're right. http://www.hookmorefish.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=1709 Cheers,
  2. Thanks to TJ for e-mailing me a link to this thread. I haven't posted in a while as I've been pretty busy, I have to say that the new board looks great, good job guys! Thanks for the kind words about the show, it's great to hear that people are enjoying what we put together each year. It's a lot of work but what a way to make a living, I'm truly blessed. I'm also fortunate to have a very talented and committed crew behind me. For those of you that may be interested, or perhaps missed us over the past 2 years on OLN, CTV and CH, we just signed a deal with WFN. They will be rerunning seasons 1 & 2 of Urban Outdoor Adventures over the next 52 weeks. We should start airing around December 1st, but you may want to check the WFN site for our official air dates and times: http://www.wfn.tv Thanks again everyone, and from all of us at Hook More Fish Television Inc we hope you continue to enjoy the show. We have some pretty exciting new stuff that we're incorporating into the show next year Cheers and all the best, Shaun
  3. That is just unbelievable! By the looks of the boat they've been fishing a while and should no better, which leads me to beleive they knew exactly what they were doing If you see them again get their vessel number? Cheers,
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