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John Lutz

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About John Lutz

  • Birthday 06/13/1960

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  • Location
    Brooklin, ON
  • Interests
    Soft water hard water, it don't matter, I'm on it !!!

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  1. Thanks fishindevil, it's not that I dislike the lake I was just looking foe a change of scenery. Maybe I'll try a different area on Simcoe, I normally stay around Virginia Beach for the perch. Where do you go for whities and trout?
  2. Try ontario fishing map project, type it in google. They have various lakes there and it is good for what you want. The only problem is there are not many lakes, don't know if the one's your interested in would be there. I have also search the Ministry of Natural resources and other gov sites and found info., good luck. John
  3. Hello All, I've got some time off tomorrow and am looking for some suggestions on where to go tomorrow for a chance at Lakers, Rainbows or Walleye. I'm from Whitby and would like some place other than Scugog or Simcoe. I have an ATV and Clam so am quite mobile, any help would be appreciated. If you can tell me access points, that would be great also. Tight Lines!!
  4. In my experience the one's Ive found are not worth the paper they're written on. Do yourself a favor and spend a few bucks, especially if you are boating! If you can't afford the actual Hydrographic maps then look into the Adventure Fishing Maps series, there not the best but they will keep you out of trouble for the most part. Just my thought's, I've practically tried them all. Good Luck
  5. Thanks guy's, I was at Virginia Beach Saturday morning, just me, my Arctic Cat, Clam Scout and lots of perch . The one thing missing was the sonar. I am heading out today to pick up the parts to take care of that. I'll be using Wayne's setup as a template, thanks Wayne!!! One thing I found during my research was something Vexlar uses to maintain the transducer verticle. They have a float that the cable runs through and a stopper to adjust the depth. I am going to use my Honda handle bar protector to do the same job I hope, will let you know how it goes. Basshunter
  6. I also have an X102C that I wanted to use for ice fishing and have had little to no help from Lowrance other than a part number for a power pack that the earliest I can get is 5-8 weeks from local dealers. Do you have any pictures of how you set your's up? Any tips would help. Thanks :wallbash
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