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Posts posted by hunteronwheels

  1. very sad indeed

    i kayak fish and i know the dangers

    i would not head out in the fall without a drysuit and a type I life vest ( turns you right side up if unconscious )

    and if going into a big lake i would use a beacon

    any type of solo boating has its dangers

    all we can do is be prepared as best we can

  2. i have been reading this topic and i find myself needing to join in

    over the years i have lived in some questionable area

    i lived in east L.A in spanish harlem new york and just across the tracks from overtown in miami

    i never felt the need to have a gun at home or on my hip

    but i was young agile and could run fast

    i am now 50 years old and have a very bad back and use a mobility scooter to get around

    i am canadian i now live in scarborough and i wish sometimes to have one on my hip

    i go fishing alot at night and early evening this summer i was approached by two young men while i was fishing

    who were very nervous acting and asked me if they could use my phone to call a cab

    i found this troubling

    i was sitting in my mobility scooter so i thought it would be prudent to stand up it was a bad vibe i got the scooter between them and my and i reached for my cane

    they then made some kinda silly excuse about changing their mind and they left

    now maybe they were innocent but i have to wonder what might have happened if i could not of stood up and shown them i wasnt so helpless

  3. so last week i went out and spent 450 bucks on a float fishing set up

    then i come here and start reading about the salmon fishery during the spawn

    and well now i have decided alot of you are right so no more spawn time fishing for me

    so now i guess i have a really nice set up for browns lol

  4. any kayak fishers in the toronto area
    looking to make friends to go out kayak fishing
    just recently got a kayak . i am retired so lots of time to fish lol
    i know only a couple of months left this year
    but i am hoping to find someone to go to the ontario kayak fishing series next year
    i am partially disabled so dont drive
    but will always help with gas and other expenses

    i can get to most waters in pickering and scarborough with my rig

    also i just got my first float rod/reel and love to river fish



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