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About Nufdawg

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  1. I'm still confused...
  2. Might do that before next spring, it is stored in a steel building in South Baymouth behind about 20 other boats, won't be able to get near it till April or May.
  3. Want to buy it, been in storage for 3 years now.
  4. This was my catch the very first time I downrigged for salmon. Was I thrilled.....you bet!
  5. Edit: different motor I was talking about, my friend has an Evinrude not a Merc
  6. I was returning from a campfire party, after a few too many wobbly pops it was time to go sleep it off! I stepped over the side of my boat and almost stepped on this critter, not sure which one of us was shocked more! Anyway he scampered up the side and worked his way around to the bow....looks like he wanted back in eh? He jumped down on the dock after awhile and took off. I am not sure to this day if somebody (friend of mine maybe) put him in there or what, but I had spilled a box of salt on the floor earlier that day and I understand porcupines are attracted to salt. I sobered up quickly!
  7. Don't ice fish much anymore but that does look different, interesting but different. Here's something different, a fishing rod that fits in your shirt pocket! From the page: * Now you can pack your fishing gear and no-one will even know * A quite amazing feat of micro engineering, this sleek pen is actually a telescopic aluminium rod that extends out from the case to a full 4'/1.2m * The attendant miniaturised reel is fully functional, with line brake/clutch and switchable ratchet so you can use if left- or right-handed * The retracted rod measures 8"/20.5cm long including pen-style lid * Supplied with 80'/25m of 5lb/2.5kg break-strain line and spinner hook. http://www.expertverdict.com/ProductDetail...product=1124232
  8. I need to brush up on my knowledge as well, 11 / 20
  9. Thank you Percher, and everybody else for the warm welcome. I googled some Canadian fishing forums last night, more specifically Ontario forums and I agree this looks like the best!
  10. Here's a few pics of my toy and my biggest salmon, 32 lbs. Please forgive me for the quality of some of the photos I post, they survived a house fire. My boat is a 1986 Bayliner Trophy, 24'. The salmon in this post was caught on Sept 7, forget what year it was but I'll never forget the day because it was our anniversary and I didn't remember....I was reminded when I got home though! There were at least 8 foot waves that day and I went out alone, took me about 20 minutes to bring that brute in. Any pics of salmon I post were either caught by me or friends of mine, but all out of my boat. Also I will be blocking out the faces of folks other than myself because I don't have their permission to post their pictures.
  11. Yeah we have pretty nice scenery around here, gotta go a little further north for decent fishing nowadays though.
  12. Is there a special thread to post pics of our fish on?
  13. Hi I'm a 58 year old guy originally from Newfoundland but now living in Onaping Falls, 35 miles north of Sudbury on Hwy 144. Moved to the Sudbury area in 1966 with my family and worked in the mines here for almost 34 years before I was forced to retire due to kidney failure in 2000. I enjoy fishing for pickerel, bass and speckies here in the north and salmon out of South Baymouth on Manitoulin Island. My fishing days are pretty much over due to nerve damage to the legs caused by kidney dialysis, still get out once in a while with friends though and I like to talk fishin'! Nice place you have, happy to be here.
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