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Everything posted by Speedbird

  1. Sweet post! I read the story about your camping trip with your pops to the Massassauga PP, Christopher I'm really interested as I'd like to organize a trip with my dad as well, and the spot and driving distance seem perfect. I was wondering which marina you guys launched from and what site you guys booked? I've never fished in the Park before but have heard nothing but great things about it. It's just a little intimidating to book something with no idea what awaits when you finally show up...We did Spider Lake at Oastler Park about 4 years ago and while the lake was beautiful, they didn't allow motorboats and three days in the canoe for minimal fish isn't something we're looking to try again... Cheers! Cheers, Yan
  2. Ok thanks guys, this seems like a promising start. I called Tom Beck and left him a message so we'll see what he can do for us, but otherwise one of the boys is really pushing for Killbear provincial park - anyone have any experience fishing there? Chris, I was tired when I posted last night, I meant to say that we tried the Spanish river last summer and got almost completely skunked! It was cold as sin and the wind was howling right down the pipe...We couldn't find any areas to stop and cast the waters were so rough. Outlaw, I like the fact that there's all kinds of species to target around St Clair, but we're really looking for seclusion and would prefer lakes with less traffic and lots of bays and islands to target... Moxie, where'd you guys stay in the past? I'm not at all familiar with this area but would be willing to give it a try! Thanks again for all the advice, guys!
  3. Hello all, Longtime lurker but first-time poster who's desperate for a little guidance... I'm a forty-year old father of two who lives in Vaughan and loves fishing. My brother-in-law and I own a 16ft aluminium boat and usually fish up around Orillia in the summer. We target almost exclusively bass and pike and practice 100% catch-and-release, and SAIL and Bass Pro treat us like returning alcoholics dropping in for "one last pint" every time one of us walks through their doors... Every year for the past eight years, the two of us plus two other really close friends block off 3-4 nights in August to pack up the truck and head north for a few days of hardcore fishing, drinking, cussing and cards. We used to have access to a cabin on the West arm of Nippissing but that option's been off the table for the past three years so we're always looking to try new spots to pitch our tents or dock our boat. To be completely honest, our last few times away have been brutal going on the water as one year we showed up right in the middle of a huge algae bloom and last summer's getaway coincided with a major cold front that blew us every which way along the Spanish River. So... I'm appealing to my fellow brothers and sisters of the OFC community to help me plan a trip that'll reinvigorate and re-energize us to get back on the boat and have us looking forward to leaving the wives behind this summer. Here's what we're looking for - I'd really appreciate some guidance/advice..etc as I'm at my wit's end trying to get us out of this funk - and of course feel free to PM me if you prefer. - Ideally less than 3hrs drive from the city, and definitely less than 5. - can be either a cottage or a campsite, keeping in mind that we'll have two dogs with us and don't want to break the bank on this trip. (We usually leave on a Saturday and come home Tuesday or Wednesday, keeping our expenses under $400/per person) -We go on these trips to get away from the crowds, so we're not really interested in spots or cottages surrounded by neighbors... -Prefer lakes to rivers and again, we're drinking and relaxing BUT we're also hardcore into fishing and will be spending at least 6-7 hrs on the water each day, so "The bite" is definitely one of our top priorities. That's really just about it, though perhaps this is already asking too much... I have four St Croix rods and a huge tacklebox just burning a hole in my garage and taking up room, so I'd like to be able to get some real use out of them this year and come back with some stories and pictures to show the wife and kids... Thanks again for all your help! Speedbird
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