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Posts posted by JustinHoffman

  1. Gerrit,


    I am just playing a bit of devil's advocate here, so don't take this the wrong way.


    By calling out a company on a "single" item, you are in fact putting them under an umbrella that makes them look far worse than possibly you intended to. Yes, you made mention of ONE item that was more expensive than RadioWorld. I don't think that warrants a thread on a board that has thousands of members. As I said, Lebaron's was even more expensive than Fishing World - should we start a seperate thread pointing out the pitfalls of shopping there?


    I don't believe Fishing World is guilty of trying to "rip you off." They had a price and you weren't agreeable to it - that's pretty much all there is to it. As much as you say it isn't about dollars and cents, by posting this thread, that is exactly what you are making it out to be.


    Every single item you purchase on a daily basis can be found cheaper somewhere, as well as more expensive. That's a fact of life. We are told early in life to look for the best deal, well, at least I was. All you are stating is common sense, Gerritt, yet also costing a retailer customers and money, simply because you didn't agree with a price they had on a product. You could make threads like this until the sheep come home, but what is the point?


    An interesting experiment would be to call a dozen fishing retailers and get a price on the unit you want to buy. Also, ask each one if they will match RadioWorlds price. The post the results.

    I have a feeling you'd have a lengthy list of retailer's that are "out in left field", not just the one you have stated here. And is that really fair to single out one place, that for many folk, have had nothing but good experiences there.


    I believe you could of got your point across better in this thread by simply stating..."Always look for the best deal when making a purchase." Only because, I know for a fact that the retailer you mentioned isn't the only one with prices you wouldn't agree with.

    A blanket statement is always better than singling one out, especially in terms of only "one" item...


    Time to move on....next topic! ;):D;)


    Good Fishing,


  2. I agree, Canuck...


    I buy where I get the best deal. If it is at BPS, then so be it. I've never bought in to the "shop/support local" mentality. I work hard for my money, and I want the best deal....period. I walk into the store, take said product to counter and pay for it. If it leaves an extra $10 in my pocket, all the more better. Shopping for me is getting something I need, in as little time as possible, at the best deal possible. I'm usually not one to ask questions (unless it's something I have no clue about, but that's what the internet is for), nor poop-chat or hang around in the store. That's why I shop at Walmart, Canadian Tire, Food Basics. I am only after a product I am happy with that works out to the best deal for me...


    Gerrit - you say you would of given your money to RadioWorld in a heartbeat, but had never dealt with them before. Not to mention they are five minutes from where you work. It appears that you have never dealt with Jos, but are willing to give your money there? Can't complain about competitive pricing, but then overlook the one shop that gave you the best price in the first place.


    As for prices - Fishing World was not "way out in left field." If so, Lebaron's is in the bleachers. What was Jos original price before he offered to match RadioWorld? Something tells me, that if you checked around most "fishing" retailers, all were in the same ballpark as Fishing World. RadioWorld may of been the only exception.


    If it comes down to dollars, then go to where the best deal is. You state you are 4 minutes from BPS. If they have a good price on something, are you going to waste money in gas, time spent driving, etc., just to support the "little guy"? Not something I would do, but that's just me.


    I really hope one of the owner's from Fishing World posts a rebuttal to this thread. It will be interesting to see what they say. If not, all we get is one posters thoughts on something, and that just doesn't cut it for me...


    Good Fishing,


  3. Hello All,


    Is it not common practice to ALWAYS be on the lookout for the best deal?? I don't think it needs to be said to "do your homework before dropping down serious hard cash." If folk's aren't doing that before making ANY sort of purchase, then they need to give their heads a shake.


    Sorry if I don't jump on the bandwagon here, but I find it far too easy in this day of message boards and internet to simply post a message about what you believe is an unfair price, and then have all follow suit, in what amounts in many cases, to a boycott.


    I have never shopped at Fishing World, so I am certainly not giving them preferential lip-service. I don't see anything stated where Fishing World will match or beat an advertised price, only that they are competitive. If 90% of their product involves competitive pricing and 10% doesn't (maybe VHF sounders and reels, as Gerrit states), does that make them a place not worthy of your business? If you do not agree with their pricing then simply move on to the next store. It's that simple.


    Kind of like buying gas. Each place has a price, and yes, they all vary. I drive down the street and stop at the one that works for me. Why? Because I want the cheapest price. I don't go to the highest priced station and tell them to match the lowest priced - I just simply go where they appreciate my business the most.


    What strikes me as strange is that you got a great sales quote from RadioWorld, which I assume isn't a big box store. Why did you not spend your money there? I'm sure they would appreciate the business. No point stating to give your money to the "little guy", but then overlooking the best quoted price you got in the first place.


    Like I said - sorry if I don't follow suit on most of the other posters with this thread. I shop around daily for the best price, whether it be electronics, groceries or clothes. I could post hundreds of store names that had higher prices than the next guy, but what's the point? Shop where you feel comfortable, do your homework and get the best deal possible. It's really that simple...


    It's possible that Gagnon's hooks are more expensive than BPS's, or Lebaron's drift socks are more pricier than Canadian Tire's. But do we need to call out EVERY store that has an item in their stock room that isn't competitive with another outlet? If so, we'd be here for a very long time.


    Again, I understand your point, Gerrit - to a certain degree. Just not sure if every complaint or disatisfaction a poster has with a store needs to necessarily be made public each and every time. For all we know, Fishing World's trolling motors or waders may be $100 cheaper than the next guy, but that acknowledgement will always be lost in one of these "rant" style threads..


    Just my 2-cents worth..


    Good Fishing,



    By the way - I just did a search and found that Lebaron's is charging $772.63 for the Lowrance unit. I have my doubts that they would match prices, so I guess that is another retailer we should all stay clear of....(yes, this was tongue in cheek)

  4. Hey Brian,


    Yep, Justin is reading... :thumbsup_anim:


    The can of graphite you sent worked well for the two-man hut last season. For some reason, that hut had some real issues with the poles being very stiff and not sliding. I actually took along a rubber mallet to help in the process when times were very tough! :wallbash:


    The new one-man hut has no issues with the poles.....but I'll be saving that can for other things for sure.. (thanks again, bud..)


    Good Fishing,


  5. Hey Gnoddy,


    Great looking boat!! I have the same vessel, although mine will be celebrating it's 20th birthday next season!! :clapping: (still can't believe it's been that long..)

    Although they were called a Springbok back then, they are identical in layout and design.


    Have put mine through a tonne of abuse over the years, and she still works great. I run a 20HP, and would probably suggest you do the same on yours.


    As you can see from these photos, I "pimped" out the ride over the years. Built a front casting deck, and made the deck portion behind it (which once held another seat) a storage space.

    Also converted the side storage space to an additional livewell, as I used to fish tournaments with this back in the day.

    Added a bow-mount, electronics, bilge...and she was good to go.


    Other than the lighter shade of blue carpet, all of the rest is the original. (goes to show you that cleaning your boat regularly and always using a cover when not in use really extends the life of your vessel and it's components.)


    Enjoy the new ride - I still am 20 years later!!










    Good Fishing,



  6. Hey Guys,


    Well, the trip was cancelled. Luckily my bud got me on my cell this morning, just before I made the four hour drive. He had just got word from his Dad, who stopped in at the cottage last night, and the entire width of Pigeon where they are located is iced over from shore to shore. I guess once the cold hits, it doesn't take long.

    Hopefully we'll get out to the Otonobee before she ices over...


    Now I have to find something to do this weekend...lol


    Thanks again,



  7. Hello All,


    Was wondering if anyone on the board lives on the shores of Pigeon Lake? I'm driving down tomorrow (Friday) to do a photoshoot while a few of my buddies duck hunt. Any skim ice on the lake yet? He has a cottage in the southern end of Pigeon, but won't be arriving until after I have almost done the drive from Ottawa.

    Worst case scenario is we will hunt on the Otonabee in Peterborough...


    Just thought I'd see if anyone had some info..


    Thanks in advance.



  8. Hello All,


    Recieved an email from Canadian Tire the other week, and since I know many of the board members shop there for fishing and hunting gear, thought I'd pass along the savings.

    If you go to www.canadiantire.ca, you will be able to print off two coupons. The first entitles you to $10 off a $40 or more purchase at any Canadian Tire store.

    The second coupon, if you have a Canadian Tire Options Mastercard, allows you to save $20 off a $40 or more purchase if you use the card. These coupons can only be used for in-store purchases.

    Not bad savings!


    Coupons are valid until November 18.


    Happy Shopping,


  9. Hey FishingGeek,


    I order from BPS online quite a few times a year. Have always found their service first rate, and have never encountered unexpected charges. I'd say it's changed since Terry used to order, as I have never once been charged a brokerage fee. My packages arrive via CANPAR or FedEX, with no asking for additional money on my end. Never once.

    Duty fees are very insignificant, if at all applicable.


    Pulled out my last invoice to give you an idea of costs.




    Subtotal - $228.86

    Shipping/Insurance/Rod - $36.69


    ($12 of the above shipping charge was due to ordering two rods - anything over 6-feet in length is charged an additional $6 postage)


    Total of Invoice - $265.55


    With the Canadian dollar as it is, I'd say it's a no-brainer to be ordering from State-side.


    Good Fishing,


  10. Hello All,


    With a few photo assignments looming, I decided to head out to an Ottawa-area lake with Dad in hopes of completing a few of them. Arrived at the ramp to discover the water was down a good two feet. No issues with the launch, yet the wind and chop that was present in the small river told me the lake was going to be rough. I was right. White caps and a pretty strong south-west wind. Some of my better spots looked to be unfishable today.


    Cruised down the lake and began working small coves. Searching out rock and wood was on the agenda, and most of the water targeted was less than 8 feet deep.

    Brown-coloured BPS flipping jigs, in both 5/16th and 3/4oz sizes were tossed, with YUM trailer chunks.


    Worked two of my favourite coves on the western side of the lake - these spots are usually good for a fish or two. Lots of wood, sand and rock - a perfect magnet for fall largies.

    Fifteen minutes in and my line starts swimming five feet to the side. A swift hookset, a short battle, and the fish is gone. Not sure how she became unpegged, but she was a decent fish for sure.

    Not long after that, a nice fish over 3 is swung into the boat. Judging from the conditions and the mood of the fish, I figured we were in for a tough day.


    Dropped my Dad off on shore for a bit to get some distance shots.




    As luck would have it, I set the hooks into a good largie right after he set up, and he was lucky to catch the fight on film.




    I only managed 7 bites for the day (7 hours), and landed five of those fish. For certain a tough day of fishing, but on the brightside, all were of a decent size. The five sported fat bellies, so they were definitely on the feed.




    While working some shallow water, I came across this baby snapping turtle swimming just under the surface. Luckily, it was too young to bite!






    The second last fish of the day turned out to be the big girl of the outing. She weighed in at 4lbs 4oz, and was caught off of rock/wood in six feet of water.




    The two big fish of the day..




    Sadly, my Dad only had one bite all day, and he missed it. But, nothing beats a day spent with Dad out on the boat...regardless of the fish that are caught..


    Good Fishing,



  11. Hello All,


    After yesterday's big fish, I needed to get out again for a few hours to see if her sister's wanted to play.


    Hit the water at high noon - beautiful conditions!






    Here is my first stop of the day - a scant 30 second boat ride from the launch..




    This short section of undercut cane often holds a fish or two, but as of late, the fish haven't been moving into it, or at least getting active, until mid afternoon. Fished it quick with a jig, but no one home.

    Continued on to the slop and pad beds. These are on a mud bottom, and very shallow, but again, often hold fish. A few flips in and a fish comes unpegged. I then manage to spook two good fish, by letting the boat and trolling motor get too close. Had one other decent fish come out to inspect my jig, and after staring at it for a 20 seconds, decided it wanted nothing to do with it.


    Start the outboard and head to my next spot. This mid lake can doesn't hold a tonne of fish, but when they are there, they are usually better than average..




    Average would of been better than zilch that this spot coughed up!


    Figured it was time to hit the deep slop that the big girl of yesterday came from. A short ride up the river and I'm at my stop.

    Doesn't take long to put the first of a few fish in the boat. Not as much action as yesterday, but I do see one fish over 4lbs that was pretty neutral in terms of biting the jig. The wind was blowing a different direction today, which may explain them shifting from this area, or turning off slightly.


    After putting five or six 2-pounders in the boat, it was time to hit another new area.


    Next on tap was a shallow shoreline, with isolated slop and wood strewn about. You'd be hard pressed to find water over a foot deep where I target here, but the fish are there.


    Finally one worthy of the camera. She had a big head compared to the skinny body..






    And here is the spot she came from...pretty shallow, isn't it??




    Continued to pick off another half dozen fish, but nothing of any real size.


    Starting to feel the burn of fishing four days straight, I decided to work one last shoreline and call it a day.


    Got these two little guys to finish off my four hour stint..




    Another great day spent on the water. I must say, my thumbs and hands are pretty beat up from lipping fish these last few days, but getting that piggie yesterday makes it all worth it.

    Have to take a week out from the boat, but will be back at it shortly....I can't wait!


    Good Fishing,


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